Your Pokemon Pet Peeves. Post popostrously peevish posts!!!

Do peoples' abbreviations bother you?

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I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
This is just a thread for people to post their pet peeves about pokemon tournaments, forums, whatever just sort of is one of those things where you think to yourself, "I really wish they didn't do that..." Mine is peoples' abbreviations for things on forums. Some things I've seen in the last couple weeks:
Maggy - Magnezone
Resh - Reshiram
Dra - Kingdra
Horse - Horsea
DP - Donphan Prime
Mach P. - Machamp Prime
the pig - Tepig (he also used this for Pignite)
the boar - Emboar
the fire dragon - Reshiram
the thunder dragon - Zekrom
EQFTGCYAL8R - Earthquake for the game. See you later.
Zozo -Zoroark
Zoru - Zorua
Zoroa - Zoroark (they got mad because I thought he was refering to Zorua)
Zark - Zoroark
big Z - Zoroark

The list just keeps going on and on and on. I have given translations in case there were some you couldn't read. I had a hard time with a lot of them myself. What makes it worse is when people use these in person. Online it's bad/annoying, but in real life it's just ridiculous and unacceptable. Like Nats. People call it Nats online, and that -in my honest opinion- is ok. But when somebody sees me in a store and ask, "Hey, why weren't you at Nats?" I feel almost like my intelligance has just been insulted. My final message: People, speak the English language. Don't chew on it and spit it at people.

Now, feel free to rant about your own pet peeves (let's try to keep trolling to a minimum, please). Discuss!
Can I get an amen!? lol, jk! (see, cliche abbreviations are our friends. :)) I will have to agree with you on that point, Mudkip.
I hate when people keep asking what your deck is, even when you don't care. I also hate when people over abuse pokemon items at a small tournament. Its also annoying when you're in the middle of a battle and people ask you to play them right away.

/me growls angrily
Rikko145 - Agreed with the abbreviations though I feel "Nats" is okay. Being pretty involved with extracurriculars in high school, we've always referred to national tournaments for anything (acting, debate, speech, cheerleading, whatever) as "Nats"... It was easy to add Pokemon "Nats" to that list. I guess I kinda got used to it.
And lolz at Mudkip's comment. Some friends and I were joking about doing well at tournaments not because it helps our ranks or because of the prize but because doing awful meant that you probably had to sit next to smelly people.
As for my contribution - interrupting my game to ask me if I have a certain card for trade. Yeah, we've all been there.
^ Yeah, it's really annoying when I'm at league and someone interrupts my game for some trade that I honestly don't care about.

There are a few pronunciations that really annoy me. For the most part, I accept that the names dont always have a universal way to say them (like Kyogre and Groudon), but when people say "Rattatata" or pronounce Snivy with a soft i, it just gets to me.
^Yeah I hear you. Like nobody at my league knows how to pronounce anything. It's as if they didn't take English class ever. Pronunciation really bugs me. I don't mind if it's something little like Rayquaza being pronounced differently, but when it's just ridiculous, I get annoyed. I mean, it's as if some of these people don't even try.
Yeah pronunciation really bothers me too. Things like "Phanphy." There's only one H in the name! Others include "Reshirom", "Zerkrom", "Chinchoo", and, worst of all.... SNIVY. Seriously, does anyone know how to pronounce the word "Ivy"? It's pronounced just like it with an S and an N in front of it....

Another pet peeve is ridiculously bad luck at ridiculously bad times.
I have a whole lot of these.
But one of my favorites is when a little kid comes up to me and asks what type my deck is (this is when I was playing LuxChomp and it happened 2-3 times).
I'm like, "Uh...Electric...Metal...Psychic...Fighting...Colorless..."
And they are like, "Mine is fire. It's better than yours!"

And the worst is when their mom is standing right there.
My pet peeve is losing to the same person multiple times in a row due to coin flips. I was beat by this annoying kid running Unfeazent and Buffolant WITH NO DCEs and a random 1-1-1 Krookodile tech and I lost because I flipped tails the whole game. I was running Leafeon, and even when I was set up with: 1.Leafeon w/energy
2.Houndoom Prime 3.Houndoom Prime 3.Roserade 4.Leafeon 5.Celebi Prime
I lost because I made a small misplay, which screwed up my decks rythem, which meant I couldn't use Rainbows on Roserade. That would of been fine, I had a 75% chance of flipping heads for burn, which would be enough. But what happend THE ENTIRE GAME I kept flipping tails on fire breath about (and I'm not exagerating) 8 times that game and I never got heads. I lost, and I was really ticked off. Oh, b the way, he flipped heads on all his pokeballs. Thats right, he only ran BW trainers, which included 4 pokeballs.
I also hated it when I went to a prerelease and my friend brought his little brother, who was new. I built his brothers prerelease deck and guess what happened? I got second and his brother got first. I built the 2nd and 1st winning decks, which was okay with me, not like it counted for premier points, but then the little kid was like:"I beat Joseph! I'm better than him!" And THAT ticked me off alot, too.
some things that bother me :
- people who are "That Guy..." bothers me. We all know who "that guy..." is, if you dont know who "that guy..." is, then ur probably "that guy..."
- people who dont hold physical cleanliness as a virtue.... like seriously, ur stinking up the whole room, are you that obsessed with playing pokemon that you give up personal hygiene?... they make me concerned and not just annoyed.
- people who dont keep an organized playing field annoy me. it makes the game hard to follow and its just a whole mess on the board.

mostly people who deviate from the social norm bother me. and sadly, playing pokemon puts 90% of the players in that statistic
I have one pet peeve for Pokemon: When I have to ask my opponent to draw a card every turn. Trust me, I don't want to, but me being me, I want the game to be fair, but it kinda makes me annoyed to say "Wanna draw a card..." and then they're like, "Oh yeah...." every turn. Just my two cents.
I hate grabby people who grab your cards with out permission. I really hate it when I'm not even playing them.
I cant stand when little kids or even ones my age are like OMG I just beat Jackson!!!!!! And goes and brags about it when ive beat them too many times to count. Also when kids dont know how to play the game right like at states I was playing some kid whos parents bought a Luxchomp deck for him he plays down GarchompLv X and he has damage counters on him and he waits a minute and im like are you going to use healing breath hes like i will do it if I want to. 5 seconds latter he removes the damage counters and announces healing breath.
Dark Sonic J said:
I hate when people keep asking what your deck is, even when you don't care. I also hate when people over abuse pokemon items at a small tournament. Its also annoying when you're in the middle of a battle and people ask you to play them right away.

* Dark Sonic J growls angrily

Say "A completely illegal, 59 card deck with all Base Set cards". I did at Nats :).

Meaty said:
Another pet peeve is ridiculously bad luck at ridiculously bad times.

Me too. I do well in testing, then at Regionals, I get a 'tomb, 5 energy, and a lux ball.

I hate when your opponents breath is disgusting, so whenever they announce an attack, you cringe. This also happened at Nats.

xPOKEFREAK72x said:
I have a whole lot of these.
But one of my favorites is when a little kid comes up to me and asks what type my deck is (this is when I was playing LuxChomp and it happened 2-3 times).
I'm like, "Uh...Electric...Metal...Psychic...Fighting...Colorless..."
And they are like, "Mine is fire. It's better than yours!"

And the worst is when their mom is standing right there.

I don't like this too.

"What type are you using"?
"Well (DialgaChomp) I'm using {M} {C} {F} {P}..."
"Why do you run some many types? I just use 1".
Nah. although he keeps beating me.

My real pet peeve is guys who take too long. Sometimes i get stressed, especially during top cut, and these guys just sit there. ugh.

i also don't like people who are bitter about losing.
blargh257 said:
i also don't like people who are bitter about losing.

How can you dislike yourself? Hahaha jk jk. As for people who take too long, I'm guilty of that. :p I like to think in my games, and not be rushed. Call it stalling if you must.... But chances are I do it even when I'm behind in prizes.

And I do think it's funny when a kid asks what type(s) your deck is, that first impression tells you they aren't a very good player haha. Same with when you ask them what their deck is and rather than the pokemon/strategy, they say "it's fire and water" or something like that. I see how it's annoying though, one time I played this kid and he said "Oh, your deck is dark and psychic" and I guess it was since I ran Dusknoir, Reuniclus, DCL, both LA and AR Spiritomb, Uxie, Azelf, Unown Q and Sableye (I had like 27 pokemon lol, but that deck worked well), but he was annoying since he kept thinking he knew what the deck did, like "Oh, I know why you're using that Reuniclus. It's really good against Exeggutor!" I just say "Yup...." and then I beat him by taking a ton of prizes with DCL without him even seeing it coming.
Little kids at the league I go to who are all graby-touchy with my tournament dice, Darkrai playmat and cards I'm using during a battle. Also there's this one guy who's a narcersist, (Lol I probobly spelled that wrong.) thoguh he's nice to my friend but he has a very "in your face" attitude towards me for examaple, last week after we battled he went around the league practicly shouting that triple Spray Splashed one of my pokemon and won the game on the same turn, I mean seriously, he even bragged about it to one of the league leaders!
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