Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

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My first shiny was a Golbat (this seems to be a common one). I was level grinding at the Sky Pillar in Ruby. My goal was to raise my entire team to level 100, so I was there a good while, and when shinybat appeared, my first thought was that there was something wrong with my SP screen - but then I remembered an NPC saying something about "different colored Pokemon" being more valuable or something like that, and I wised up and caught it. My second shiny has a more interesting story, though - in Fire Red/Leaf Green (can't remember which one specifically) I wanted to start a new game, but I wanted to catch the roaming legendary (Raikou) first and transfer it to Pearl. I didn't want to mess around with arena trapping/shadow tagging it and trying to catch it the good old fashioned way, so I was just going to use my master ball on it. I didn't have any other balls in my inventory, but I figured that I didn't need them, unless I ran into a shiny Pokemon while looking for Raikou...that thought was, of course, mostly in jest, as I didn't actually think that I would run into a shiny Pokemon. As luck would have it, though...the very first patch of grass I walked into, the first Pokemon that popped out was a shiny Pidgey. I had no choice other than to catch it, as I could still catch Raikou if I really wanted to. I still have both of my shinies, though I fear that Pidgey is always going to look hacked sine he's in a Master Ball. -__-
I was very lucky because the first shiny that I caught was a Ryhorn at the Safari Zone (LeafGreen). When I saw it I was intrigued because I thought that it was some kind of glitch but then I remembered hearing about shinies and thinking that this must be it. I've let fate decided at threw a Pkball and...it was caugh. =D

After that I caugh 3 more: a Carvanha in Emerald (I was looking for Feebas but I didn't knew about the changing tiles so I kept fishing at some 4 spots for a whole day...it ended up better that I'd hoped XD), a Mankey (new playthrough in LeafGreen) west of Viridian City and a Numel in Sapphire.
Mizzory said:
Post the very first shiny you've ever seen and feel free to talk about other random shinies that popped up randomly.

First i saw and caught was a shiny roselia in pokemon saphire
second was a couple years later i found a shiny geodude in pokemon pearl on my way to the first gym, last one was a few weeks ago i found a shiny ponyta on my way to victory road.

A dragonite from crystal ;)
My first shiny was a East Sea Shellos, the blue one, which in my encounter was teal. I noticed how at the start of the battle, stars sparkled around it, and at the time thought nothing of it and kept it in my PC box. Once I figured out that it was shiny, I felt so depressed and sad that I deleted that save file. Still, though, my first shiny EVER! So I was pretty happy about that :D!

My first shiny was a Ursaring in SS, then a Goldeen in White, and a Pidove in White. When I first saw that Ursaring, I was freaking out, I must have saved 7 times afterwards. I was about to go to sleep too, but I was too excited after catching him.
My first and only shiny to date I encountered on March 7th (around 12:40 am) - since then no more shinies.

I just remember training my Pokemon to take on the E4 in Black 2, on Route 23 I remember running into the grass to train and to my surprise a shiny Mienfoo appeared (level 39 - female). I couldn't believe my luck, my first shiny, and it was one of my top 3 favorite Pokemon in the world too.... first thing use my master ball right away, at the time my Pokemon were just too strong for her (majority of my team was in the mid 50's) so I feared that any hit would maker her faint.

Caught her - saved the game - for about an hour I was jumping up and down with joy. I even hit myself just to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Sadly, I had to box her, since she didn't fit in with my Black2 team, I was already attached to my team.

So next day I went to the store and bought another copy of Pokemon, White 2 this time, to play a personal challenge [all mustelid-team] I had wanted to do, and now I had a reason as well. Today, she is now a level 71 shiny Mienshao, beated E4 once - training her, leveling up, she is going to become my 4th Level 100 Pokemon. She is my pride and joy and leader of my White 2 team.

The only thing I forgot to mention was: After I caught her I couldn't think of a nickname for her at that moment, so I named her after my grandma and my mother (both have the same first name but different 2nd names) - as it was the first female name that came to my mind, its a typical Spanish name too.

(hope it works) taken the same day I caught her, with my Nintendo DS Lite.
My very first shiny was a few years back when I was watching Nick at Night in my room. I was training my team in Leaf Green, and he randomly popped up. It was so crazy. I was entering Veridian City, too, so I hadn't been very far into the game before it came up. I only had one Pokeball left, and I made it work. I tried catching it at full health, because I didn't want to risk making in faint. I named it "OMG!", because I was literally stunned so bad I didn't have any train-of-thought to name it something real. I still have it, nicknamed the same thing, level 64 on my Pokemon Black team. Love it to death. Got me through the Elite Four so many times. :)
allons-y_alonso said:
My very first shiny was a few years back when I was watching Nick at Night in my room. I was training my team in Leaf Green, and he randomly popped up. It was so crazy. I was entering Veridian City, too, so I hadn't been very far into the game before it came up. I only had one Pokeball left, and I made it work. I tried catching it at full health, because I didn't want to risk making in faint. I named it "OMG!", because I was literally stunned so bad I didn't have any train-of-thought to name it something real. I still have it, nicknamed the same thing, level 64 on my Pokemon Black team. Love it to death. Got me through the Elite Four so many times. :)

which pokemon was it?
My first shiny was Ponyta in Diamond, after that the only other ones I've encountered besides the Gyarados were Butterfree in SS and Patrat in White.
My very first shiny was a Bibarel in Pearl, but I lost that game cartridge long ago. Now, I have claimed four shinies excluding Gyarados, Haxorus, and Dratini, and plan to keep hunting. I actually want to Masuda Method hunt for a shiny Bidoof, to reclaim that Bibarel!
shiny tentacool, I didnt notice the shining stars or what ever those are. I saw it was green, didnt notice dark blue. I caught it, thought it was a poisoned pokemon in the wild lol. IDK but i thought maybe i could get a prize for curing him or something lol, and that it was possibly part of the plot.

Also one time randomly my friend turned on my ds on my birthday, when i was in front of giritina, platinum. I was just trying to use as little money worth of pokeballs, not wait thousands of times for shiny. It was sick and he even caught it with the first quick or fast ball right away
My very first shiny was a Poochyena in Ruby Version. At the moment, I was actually thinking about finding a shiny. When I found the shiny Poochyena, I freaked out and tried to catch him instantly. I didn't want to risk accidentally killing him.
PieterPie said:
shiny tentacool, I didnt notice the shining stars or what ever those are. I saw it was green, didnt notice dark blue. I caught it, thought it was a poisoned pokemon in the wild lol. IDK but i thought maybe i could get a prize for curing him or something lol, and that it was possibly part of the plot.

Also one time randomly my friend turned on my ds on my birthday, when i was in front of giritina, platinum. I was just trying to use as little money worth of pokeballs, not wait thousands of times for shiny. It was sick and he even caught it with the first quick or fast ball right away

Cool, my first was Tentacool as well! Do you still have it?
I've never caught a shiny in the wild (except for Gyarados), but my first shiny was Gyarados in HG, but I really like my second shiny Dratini in BW2 more. I couldn't stop smiling when I got it :)
My first shiny was a shiny fearow but I can't remember what game that was on. My second shiny was a shiny larvitar which is awesome because it is one of my favourite pokemon and I was searching for a wild one to catch and train up and I came across a shiny! I only had a few pokeballs left so luckily I caught it. This was on pokemon diamond.
My first shiny was a wailmer, caught in Emerald, he is also my favorite shiny. Then I caught a shiny tentacool during a ruby replay, a caterpie in my leafgreen replay and then a shiny chansey in diamond. Haven't caught one since chansey, which was six years ago.
My first shiny was a Koffing in Emerald. I walked into Fiery Path and first encounter was a shiny Koffing. I was stunned.
It was a Pidgey on the first Route in Pokemon Soul Silver. I was excited because it was my first shiny, yeah. But it was also a Pidgey, so.. I guess you can't be TOO excited about it.

My friend also encountered the same thing but he was unable to catch it, made it even better.
Obvi not countin gyarodos I found a shiny nincada east of rustaboro and a golbat in Vic. Road in sapphire

Oh and about a month ago I found a shiny tympole
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