Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

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RE: Your very first shiny!

Iv Been Playing Pokemon Since Diamond And Pearl Came Out And Iv Only Ever Caught One Shiny Pokemon

The Red Gyarados At The Lake Of Rage
RE: Your very first shiny!

My first shiny was a Shiny Umbreon! Well, technically... it was a Shiny Eevee. I win. :p

- Jolt
RE: Your very first shiny!

I have played since Gold, and I have never gotten a shiny. Except for the Eevee that's supposed to be shiny...
RE: Your very first shiny!

I have never encountered a shiny. =[ Though my friend caught a shiny Tentacool and because she doesn't like them gave him to me. =]
RE: Your very first shiny!

My first shiny was in Ruby, and it was a Wailmer (I was looking for Wailords 8D)
I nearly didn't catch it because I didn't see the sparkle, but I thought it looked different. SO lucky!

I also caught a shiny Tentacruel in SoulSilver (I was looking for Horsea)
I also didn't see the sparkle and only because of the big color difference was I able to catch it.

So, in reality, I've never seen a wild Pokemon sparkle, but I've caught two shinies. Weird.
RE: Your very first shiny!

My first shiny was in SS,and it was a Shiny Garadoes from The Lake of Rage.
I was so excited when I caught him! :p
RE: Your very first shiny!

My first shiny was a Shiny Linoone. I named it ``SEREBII`` because that was my favorite Pkm news site. I saw the sparkle and thout it was somthing EPIC so I cought it. It was in Sapphire too. Of course I couldn't use it much because it was a Linoone.. :(
RE: Your very first shiny!

Shiny Tangela in Crystal in front of Silver Cave.

Too bad I hate Tangela.
RE: Your very first shiny!

My first shiny was in emerald version. it was a poochyeana. i used all my pokeballs and i cought it with the last one. I also have 20 other shinies that ive gotten by luck.
RE: Your very first shiny!

I have caught two shinies, both in Pokemon Emerald. The first was a zigzagoon, and the second was a wailmer ^_^
RE: Your very first shiny!

tailow pokemon saphire i didnt know it was a shiny and i deleted my data
RE: Your very first shiny!

Once I found a shiny Machop in Emerald when I was riding down Mt. Chimney.Later my friend found a shiny Numel there on his Emerald.
RE: Your very first shiny!

I found a Wingull in my Diamond. Didn't even realize there was anything different about it until I was so close to just "running away" from it. Then I saw the nice green stripes.
& then I recently caught my second shiny, a Spinarak, in my HG. So happy.
RE: Your very first shiny!

my first shiny was a shiny onix in firered, and my second was a shiny buizel in diamond...since then ive restarted both games....
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