Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Using the same idea, you can actually OHKO Blastoise with Night Spear, Dark Claw, Virbank, Laser. (90 + 20 + 30 = 140)
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Haven't built the deck yet, but I think Tornadus EX would be good in this. A potential first turn 90 with Virbank/laser/DCE.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

What is better? This deck with Mewtwo or with Terrakion? Mewtwo seems to take less space so I can add more techs and such, but Terrakion only gives 1 prize...
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Ohhh Ok. I see what you are saying. I wasn't thinking about Laser. Thanks!
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

venasour x said:
What is better? This deck with Mewtwo or with Terrakion? Mewtwo seems to take less space so I can add more techs and such, but Terrakion only gives 1 prize...

I like it with Tornadus EPO. True, its normally only good as a starter, but it can help you set up the Darkrai if you fall behind, only gives one prize, and does adequate damage with HTL/Virbank. The OHKO can happen on the Blastoise and PlasmaKlang if they do not retreat... which is much more likely with the PK. It has a relatively unused weakness.

But to technically answer your question... It depends. Terrakion only gives the one prize, but does require more space. In a deck that is mainly focused on speed, as this deck is arguably the fastest deck in format, the mewtwo will be better for consistancy. However, the mirror can fall hard to another if Terrakion is teched in. Terrakion is also better against the Plasmaklang as it is not an EX. It depends on personal preference.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Im probaply going to play this deck for states, because so far its really good and really fun to play. This is my current list that I have been testing it is very fast and gets turn 1 Darkrais pretty frequently.
Pokemon (7)
4- Darkrai EX
1- Keldeo EX
2- Lunitone
T/S/S (41)
4- Juniper
3- Bianca
3- Skyla
4- Bicycle
4- Ether
4- Dark Patch
1- Computer Search
4- Lazers
4- Catcher
3- Ultra Ball
3- Energy Switch
2- Virbank City Gym
2- Dark Claw
Energy (12)
12- Dark
This deck is really really really fast. I know a lot of people have been righting off Ether with Darkrai, but it has been working great for me. I would recommend you guys trying it out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

You should play Sableye, it's pretty good.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

MountainDrew said:
Im probaply going to play this deck for states, because so far its really good and really fun to play. This is my current list that I have been testing it is very fast and gets turn 1 Darkrais pretty frequently.
Pokemon (7)
4- Darkrai EX
1- Keldeo EX
2- Lunitone
T/S/S (41)
4- Juniper
3- Bianca
3- Skyla
4- Bicycle
4- Ether
4- Dark Patch
1- Computer Search
4- Lazers
4- Catcher
3- Ultra Ball
3- Energy Switch
2- Virbank City Gym
2- Dark Claw
Energy (12)
12- Dark
This deck is really really really fast. I know a lot of people have been righting off Ether with Darkrai, but it has been working great for me. I would recommend you guys trying it out.

Lunatone, haven't seen that in a deck, but that works well with ether!
anyone know if this is better then running sableye?
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Sableye has been so integral to setting up Darkrai and getting back resources that ensure the T2 Night Spear that there's pretty much no way I'm trying anything different, engine wise at least. I would rather have Sableye getting back Items 100% of the time rather than having Ether work sparingly.

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I run:

4 Sableye
4 Darkrai EX
1 Keldeo EX

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Bianca

1 Comp. Search
1 Random Receiver
4 Dark Patch
4 Energy Switch
4 Catcher
4 Laser
3 Dark Claw
2 Energy Search
4 Ultra Ball

2 Virbank

10 Dark

It's very fast and effective, but lately I've noticed myself missing the T2 Night Spear too often, and haven't been hitting the consistency I know the deck should be able to (Though, it's not a very big gap, and I'd recommend this build). Any tips?
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Your list honestly isn't off from a lot that I've seen and it's only a couple cards off of my current personal list.

You might want to give Skyla a try though? Skyla is pretty nice in this deck IMO. Searching out Computer Search is so nice in the early game and I only play 1 Energy Search so it allows me to search for that as well should I need it. Just an option for searching out resources for sure.

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Thoughts on Mewtwo EX in this deck. I've seen a few decks using either 1-2 Mewtwo EX. My initial thought would be that its a fair counter to Mewto EX, but it still doesn't solve the KlinkKlang match-up issue.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Mora said:
What is this deck supposed to do about Klinklang? Just currious.

I'm probably going to throw in a reshiram or benchtini (maybe my fliptini to help sableye *shrugs*) to help against klingklang.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I might try a Skyla, but it can be a dead card when you need to draw a lot of cards. The best bet for Klinklang is spamming Catcher+Lasers with Junk hunt.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Just currious, but about how often would you say this deck gets a T2 Dark Claw'd Night Spear with Hypnotoxic and Virbank?
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Depends on how consistent your list is, but it's not that easy to pull off. T2 Night Spear is all good and fine, but hitting Virbank and Laser too is quite a feat. I tested it for a while and did not seem to hit the entire combo as often as I would have liked or as often as I hit a T2 Night Spear with my Darkrai deck last format.

Someone feel free to contradict me if they've had different experiences.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

It honestly depends for me. I was running a list where I was getting Laser+Virbank within the first two turns almost every single game (not sure if you count that _with_ the T2 Night Spear if it's not on the second turn as well but still).

Lately it's about evened out since I've played around with the Supporter lines. I get the T2 Night Spear more than I get T2 Spear+Laser+Virbank.

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I'm afraid of the T2 140 (T3 if I go second) to something on my Bench (so my opponent would also need Catcher). I was playing some Tornadus Virbank, and they got a T2 Powerblast with Virbank and Laser, and it was devastating. I figured Darkrai is going to be more common.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Hey Pokemon fans I've have been testing out Darkrai with Lasers and Hammers. It's really surprising, because the deck is really consistent and so far I'm 23-4 with it. I would highly recommend you guys try out this list, because it makes Cobalion almost an autowin with the hammers.
3- Darkrai EX
3- Sableye
1- Keldeo EX
Total 7
4- Prof. Juniper
4- N
3- Bianca
1- Colress
Total 12
4- Dark Patch
2- Dark Claw
3- Ultra Ball
1- Random Receiver
4- Laser Beams
3- Crushing Hammer
2- Enhanced Hammer
2- Max Potion
3- Energy Switch
3- Pokemon Catcher
1- Computer Search
Total 28
2- Virbank City Gym
Total 2
11- Dark Energy
Total 60