Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I meant it improved the matchup for Klinklang. It's totally useless against Blastoise (and mostly everything else, which is why I stand by them not being worth it).
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I have tested it with hammers (2 of each) and I really like it. Helped me out a ton against a Klinklang deck and it's a great stall if you have a Sableye up. It also saved me against Mewtwo with DCE on it.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Blah said:
I meant it improved the matchup for Klinklang. It's totally useless against Blastoise (and mostly everything else, which is why I stand by them not being worth it).

I wasn't addressing your post. I was addressing this one which I probably should have quoted:

DrunkSpinda said:
I've managed to beat Blastoise/Keldeo easily with this

dmaster out.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Thank you for the "credit". I can't wait for the new absol to come out, hopefully on Plasma Freeze
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

What do you guys think of Bicycle in here? I've found it to be really useful. It means you can get drawpower late game if you get Nd into a Skyla, it can be Junk Hunted, and you ca play a looot of them in one turn. I started with 1 as a tech, but my count has risen to 3 over time as I found how useful it is.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Just how often are you getting 2+ cards on the Bicycle? I'm not sold on it yet.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I've been playing this deck a while, and I'm liking it, just wondering if you guys think that a line of Bouffalant, and Mewtwo and Tornadus EX are necessary or are they just techs??
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Bouffalant is necessary and the others are optional.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Bouffalant is not necessary. It's a cool extra attacker, but Darkrai can function perfectly fine on it's own. Sure, it has problems with Landorus, but if you run healing cards like Max Potion and/or Potion, you should be fine.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I tested heavily with Bycicle and did not like, usually it gives 1/2 cards, even though it's junk huntable,l think the slot is better used for something else
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Even if you're only getting 1-2 cards its still worth it because you're either deck thinning or getting a hand advantage (albeit a small one) out of an item card. I suppose if you're usually only getting 1 card then the deckthinning alone isn't really worth the spot, but with 4 Ultra Balls and a Computer Search I often find myself getting a hand advantage out of it, something no other Item will do for you.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I just feel that the spot(s) are better used with other cards.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

The usage of Bicycle really depends on your build. If you notice that you usually have a smaller hand then yes go for it but on the other hand if you notice you usually have a big hand then it is probably not advisable to use it.

As for hammers, I've played against a speed darkrai build that had it probably 2-3 times in PTGCO and it looked like the player was able to find a way to include both laserbank and hammers and end up with a consistent build. It went so well that I think I lost all games I played against that build.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

When life Essence comes out, would you guys put it in this deck so you can recycle with sableye?

Seems pretty legit to me.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I probably wouldn't because the deck is more about speed than prize denial and Computer Search makes the deck much more consistent and also provides a way to discard Dark Energy for Dark Patch. Also, recycling Life Essence requires you to attack with Sableye after they were able to KO something else, so they can probably just KO Sableye no sweat and take back the prize they missed due to Life Essence. You also run into the problem of being unable to attach Life Essence to a Pokemon with Dark Claw on it, and without Dark Claw Darkrai has a tough time getting OHKOes late game and setting up more will often be a bigger problem than the prizes.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Dark Void said it all. Junk Hunting the Life essence doesn't actually get you anywhere; they'll just take the prize the next turn off Sableye. That, and it can be tool scrappered.

Theoretically, you could stream Sableyes and spam Life Essence over and over and over to deny your opponent prizes, but it's inefficient, it cuts Junk Hunt's usefullness in half because you have to get the Life Essence back every turn, and they can catcher around it.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

You can't actually permanently Life Essence spam because a) you'd run out of Sableye unless you're getting back Revives b) you'd run out of Energy unless you're getting back Energy Retrieval or Dark Patch and c) it just doesn't work. Junk Hunting back the Life Essence ends your turn, so they can just KO Sableye on their turn before you attach it. Life Essence would have to not be an Ace Spec to get around c) and you can use your second trainer from Junk Hunt to get around a) or b) but not both and if you're using both items to get another Sableye then what is the point of the "loop" anyway?
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

I forgot that you wouldn't be able to attach it until the next turn >_< my bad. The combination sucks anyway even if that did work.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Ok, so yesterday I won a local tournament with this, and the last match was won because at last time I decided to play only 2/2 hammers and put in 2 potions. Last Match was going awfully bad, and managed to turn it around after N-ing my opponent into 1 card versus 6 I was getting, and started killing his keldeos.
RE: Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hypnotoxic Laser / Virbank City Gym

Yesterday at States, I played this deck going 5-2 and bubbling (Masters). The only 2 losses I had were because of supporter droughts.... Even though I played 15 supporters