• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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ZekEel & Co.


Machamp Freak
Pokemon (15)
2x Zekrom
1x Zekrom EX
1x Mewtwo EX
2x Thundurus
1x Tornadus
3x Eelektrik
4x Tynamo (3x 30HP, 1x 40HP)
1x Smeargle

Energy (13)
9x Lightning Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Trainers (32)
4x Professor Juniper
4x Professor Oak's New Theory
3x N
4x Dual Ball
4x Junk Arm
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Level Ball
2x Plus Power
2x Switch
1x Eviolite
1x Pokegear 3.0
2x Skyarrow Bridge

STRATEGY: Set up Eelektriks and start Dynamotoring those energies. Thundurus is a nice starter for faster energy streaming, Tornadus is helpful against Fighting-types and both of them can catcher something small and OHKO on T2. Zekrom and Zekrom EX are the heavy hitters of the deck. Mewtwo is the secondary star and most useful (and useless) in Mewtwo wars.

1) I always found a recovery card like Super Rod very useful so I don't know if I should remove something for it. Maybe a Lightning Energy?
2) What should I remove for one Ultra Ball? I'd like to keep four Dual Balls and two Level Balls in the deck, though.
3) I don't have two Eviolites in the deck, but I was planning both of them form the beginning. Is the second one necessary?
4) At the moment I play two Skyarrow Bridges and two Switches and it works great. but I fear one of the four cards seems to be extra. Should I remove one of them for either Eviolite, Super Rod or Ultra Ball?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

I think
-1 zekrom (think a 2/2 split between zekrom and zekrom EX is better)
-1 communication (not needed)
-2 PONT (N may be better for disrupting and is also a good hand refresher)

+1 zekrom EX
+1 mewtwo EX (important for countering)
+2 N
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Jirachi said:
I think
-1 zekrom (think a 2/2 split between zekrom and zekrom EX is better)
-1 communication (not needed)
-2 PONT (N may be better for disrupting and is also a good hand refresher)

+1 zekrom EX
+1 mewtwo EX (important for countering)
+2 N

I had the same idea about PONT/N, but I was asking myself is another Zekrom EX needed. And as I said before, I only have enough budget for only one Mewtwo EX so that's why I included only one of it.

So my question is what chould I include instead of the Communication? Another PokeGear, Sage's Training or maybe a Plus Power? Is Thundurus needed?

Made adjustments. So far new in the deck is:
-2x PONT
+2x N

Still thinking about whether to:
-1x Zekrom
+1x Zekrom EX
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

I think you should because 2 zekrom is usually enough in zekeels decks. Zekrom EX can be a big help for attacking because it's damage output is high. Also good for OHKOing.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Edited the list.

-1x Zekrom
-1x Pokemon Communication
-1x Smeargle

+1 Zekom EX
+1x Level Ball
+1x Cleffa/Tyrogue (which is better?)

Any advice?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Tyrogue is better than Cleffa by alot. With the rise of Zekeels being played, its pretty comon to see Tyrogue donking, taking easy Kos, or setting up Kos. Its very very good in a format like ours. I'd drop a Zek EX for another Mewtwo EX. Your mewtwo wars will be pretty downhill without 2 Mew2.
-1 Collector
+ 1 Pokegear
- 1 Juniper
+ 1 Pont/N
Either have pont or N. I dont think both are necessary. If you drop one, add a Thundurus. Charge helps you get energies into play, which is huge if you can't draw them.
-1 Eviolite
+ Smeargle (great card if you have a bad hand. Usually, metagame decks run a bunch of Junipers, Ponts, an Ns, and when portraiting, you can get yourself out of crud into a golden hand)
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

So far I had the budget for only one Mewtwo EX and so far that will be the only one in my metagame. If another one showes up, I'll kep in mind buying another one.

So far I'm questioning your Eviolite-for-Smeargle suggestion. I often got a dead hand while Portraiting, bu it's still good to keep that in mind. I always thought that 3 Eviolites are a must so that's why I adder three of them. If the deck functions better with two of them, I'd consider either 1x Smeargle od 1x Thundurus.

I could remove 1x Juniper for 1x Oak's New Theory or 1x Thundurus or Smeargle, that way I won't have to discard a lot of things. A Collector for a Pokegear seems as well nice.

Will make the following changes now:
-1x Collector
-1x Juniper
+1x PokeGear 3.0
+1x Thundurus
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

(-1 zapdos (tornadus is a better counter plus its kind of clunky IMO but its your preference))
-1 zekrom EX (1 is enough)

+1 juniper (discarding)
+1 N (3 N is good for hand refreshment and disruption)
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

I think Smeargle should be in this deck, over cleffa or tyrogue. In this case you should use skyarrow bridge either. Zekrom EX as your main attacker, you use switch to dynamotor him, put Smeargle in front, if your hand sux atm you Portrait, retreat and 150 again.

This strategy is killer, I saw this destroying CMT, Truth, mirror and also Tetrakion.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Can anybody give some ideas? Made a couple of new changes and having an issue about the following:

Should I put a Skyarrow bridge in this deck for Smeargle?
Should I play Thundurus and Tornadus over Zapdos and another card?
Are two Zekrom EX necessary or should there rather be a third Zekrom?
Are three Eviolites and three Plus Powers more than enough or should I remove one of each for something?
Are nine draw supporters (4x Juniper, 3x N, 2x Sage) enough in this deck or should there be a couple of more?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

The_Joker said:
Can anybody give some ideas? Made a couple of new changes and having an issue about the following:

Should I put a Skyarrow bridge in this deck for Smeargle? Maybe
Should I play Thundurus and Tornadus over Zapdos and another card? Yes
Are two Zekrom EX necessary or should there rather be a third Zekrom? Neither focus more on Thundurus/Mewtwo
Are three Eviolites and three Plus Powers more than enough or should I remove one of each for something?
3 Eviolites is a big too much, 3 pluspower can be decent.
Are nine draw supporters (4x Juniper, 3x N, 2x Sage) enough in this deck or should there be a couple of more? Remove all sages, and play 3/4 PONT
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

2x Zekrom
2x Zekrom EX
1x Mewtwo EX
1x Zapdos
3x Eelektrik
4x Tynamo
1x Smeargle

Energy (13)
9x Lightning Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Trainers (33)
3x Pokemon Collector
4x Professor Juniper
3x N
2x Sage's Training
4x Junk Arm
3x Level Ball
3x Plus Power
3x Eviolite
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
2x Pokegear 3.0
1x Super Rod

which tynamo are you using?

-3 Collector
-1 Pokegear
+4 Dual Ball

-2 Eviolite
+2 Skyarrow Bridge

-1 Pokegear
+1 Random Receiver

-3 PP
-2 Sage's
+4 Oaks
+1 Tornadus EX

-1 Level Ball
+1 Ultra Ball

-2 Zekrom EX
-1 Zapdos
+1 Raikou EX
+1 Thundurus
+1 Switch
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Made the following changes to this deck and it's practically a final version (without the Dark Explorers):

Interesting ideas. I'm thinking about doing the following:

-1x Zekrom EX
-2x Sage's Training
-1x N
-1x Eviolite
-1x Level Ball

+1x Thundurus
+3x Professor Oak's New Thoery
+1x Skyarrow Bridge
+1x Pokemon Communication

Tornadus EX will be in the deck if I get my hands on it (instead of Zapdos).
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Do not take out any more N. it's really good in any zekeels deck. I think this deck should actually have 3 N and maybe 2 PONT if you want it.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Jirachi said:
Do not take out any more N. it's really good in any zekeels deck. I think this deck should actually have 3 N and maybe 2 PONT if you want it.

3 N is good, it's true, but PONT is way more useful in this deck.

I won a Regional and a BR with ZekEels, and I'm going to tell you my opinion.

First, take out Zapdos. It's useless most of the time. Raikou is a better version of it.

For me, Zekrom EX is useless. With Plus Power you already kill with normal Zekrom what you kill with Zekrom EX and Zekrom EX is a pain to set-up and also gives 2 prizes.

Smeargle is good, but right now I prefer ZekEels without it. However, if you want to run it, (it's very useful) you should run 2 Skyarrow because without it Smeargle isn't that good. That's why I removed it from my list right now.

Now, you should play 2 Thundurus. It just gets your energy so well, gets free prizes and puts opponent EX's in KO range for Zekrom. Very nice imo.

3 Plus Power isn't that needed, 2 is enough. You can just Junk Arm it when you need it.

Your supporter line should be like this:
4 Collector
4 Juniper
3 N
1 Pokégear

That is without Smeargle, because with Smeargle you can take out the Pokégear and 1 N/PONT.

I dunno why you have Communication in your list. It's pretty useless most of the time.

That's about it. I hope this helped you xD
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

I would also ask is it better to have 3 to 4 Pokemon Collector or 4 Great ball with a higher number of only draw supporters (10-12)?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Great Ball? You shouldn't ever run that card. Collector, Dual Ball and Level Ball are better. I'd go for Collector since you have Smeargle. 10 Draw Supporters are fine. For me they are enough.
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Ups, I wrote something stupid on a public forum XD

I ment Dual Balls instead of Collectors. I had in plan to use 3x Collectors, 4x Junipers, 4x Oak's New Theory, 3x N, 1x Dual Ball and 1x Pokegear.

Is 3x Collectors and 1x Dual ball better than 4x Great balls in this deck?
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

Yes, it's way better xD. You could always split in 2/2 (2 collectors and 2 dual balls). Adjust that to your playstyle :D
RE: Zekrom/Eelektrik... with Zapdos & Mewtwo EX

And a couple more questions, if I may bother you. At the moment I have only apart from 2 Zekroms and two Pokemon EX, i have only one thundurus, one zapdos and another Zekrom to play, but I do not know if I should play 3 regular zekroms or use the Zapdos for something interesting?

And should I remove a Oak for 1x Super rod (to have one in the deck). I'll update the list so you would know what I'm talking about (and this is a temporary solution until I order more specific cards.