RE: Zephilim's Trades [H]Rising Rivals! [W] NEED CLAYDOL ASAP!!!!!
Um, no thanks. I need those more than the Magmortar X.
Not really willing to trade a Lv. X for a Claydol, especially my DGX, but just out of curiosity how much for each individual claydol?
No thanks.
Ampha-pwn77 said:Hmm... I like the BET Gallade 4 X and Dialga G Lv.X. Offer?
Um, no thanks. I need those more than the Magmortar X.
AnthonyG said:If you are willing to buy I have 2 Claydols (1 RH) for sale. I also have other cards off your wants if your interested.
But if you don't want to buy, I can trade the RH Claydol for your Dialga G Lv. X
Not really willing to trade a Lv. X for a Claydol, especially my DGX, but just out of curiosity how much for each individual claydol?
kashmaster said:Drapion lv X for your Giratina lv X
No thanks.
Superwolfe said:I have a jpn one, so no, sorry