Wi-Fi Trades ZoruaXanderDarkSnivyPitzVoidLuver's Trading and Services Shop!!!

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Hey, ZSL and DV, do either of you have any missions you're trying to complete. Im soft-resetting for a Shiny Terrakion. Its pretty much so people know what we could have to trade later.
Truthfully, the shinies that Im most interested in are ones I cant Masuda breed for. Basically, if I've caught it or its evolutions, than I dont want a Shiny of it atm.
Does it know Stealth Rock? Its okay if it doesnt Im just curious. Anyway, I forgot to mention in my last post about the new rule. Ive been seeing people making low offers for nature/IV breeding, so I decided on an exchange rate. The rate is 1 shiny or 2+ regular pokemon for each service.
Well, I can Masuda for a Gothitelle, but between my brother and I and our 3 games, no one chose Tepig, so I can do that. Do you have a list of Gen 5 shinies? It'd probably make guessing and choosing way easier.
lol, fine. 1 for 2 aint bad. :p Ill put you down, but remember I still cant do anything until my mom gives me back my 3DS. :( Stupid senior finals.
no I meant i got 1 for 2 of pokemon that I didnt already have. I was saying earlier that I could Masuda breed for a Shiny of anything that I already have so I didnt want the Oshawott Shiny, but you convinced me to go with it anyway. lol, misinterpretations :p
Hey Xander, I'm interested in these DW Pokes. Would you mind taking a look at my list to see if there's anything you're interested in?

Hoppip Synthesis F
Hoppip Encore M
Gligar Tailwind M
- Butterfree Roost F
Winter: Im interested in the Shiny Gastly, shiny Lapras, and Shiny Spiritomb. I value Shinies as 1.5-2 DW pokemon, so Ill let you choose.
It was...

Shiny stoutland LV. 36

Shiny Flareon


Modest Flawless LV. 1 Deino w/ Dark Pulse
Tomorrow's fine, but Im not sure whether or not I have a piano lesson so Ill have to check on time. As for the trade, I guess Ill make things easier for myself and choose the Deino. :p
Oh, (pfft, haven't been on forever) Is there anybody that wants a trade?

Put in my haves, "Egg Move Eevees~Know Curse" Please!

(Love the pic in your siggy, Lillipup!)
lol, whenever i look at it, I always see that red space in between Snivy's Tail and torso as a Yoshi shell XD

ZSL: You have any current projects your aiming for? Like Im soft-resetting for Shiny Terrakion.
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