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  1. JPO

    What happened to posting the old stategist reviews?

    Oh ok... lol that's depressing... Well! If Jiggly still has 'em... could they go up? We did spend alot of time on them, and they should be ready to go. Up to you though. And Ooler, I was a start for a looonng time, just so you know :P
  2. JPO

    What happened to posting the old stategist reviews?

    Speaks for itself Lol we made like 7 and they havn't been posted! I thought... If they are up somewhere, and I'm just being ignorant, then please let me know... But I just feel a bit conned, that's all. Someone please explain. Jack
  3. JPO


    Yeah it's an april fools joke... But.. it could be a double bluff! Like, someone else might WANT us to think that it's an april fools joke, so shift blame! BUT then WPM and the pal's names are crossed out.... BUT then maybe that means they are not blocked, simply crossed out! BUT why would...
  4. JPO


    ... and let's be honest boys and girls, Persian just isn't that great;) Imagine a talking Persian... with Meowth's personality. Just wrong. Wrong I say! Meowth's cool as it is, he doesn't need to change.
  5. JPO


    Lol it's always good to get the card you want, even if it isn't that good. I remember (way back in the days when cards were everywhere) being incredibly happy when i got Dugtrio (Base-set) in a pack! In my defense, Dugtrio is cool, and I was small. But hey, congratulations :D Jack
  6. JPO

    Windstorm is an overrated piece of crap.

    Hahaha, I believe windstorm is overated also. I have never used one, and have never seen the need. HOWEVER, I see why it is needed in some decks such as Metanite, which need protection from CC. Yet, I'd still rather play stadium cards. And Windstorm is a bit too overhyped... although playing...
  7. JPO

    Want to Become a Strategist?

    The strategists position are probably not forgotten about. Everyone is very busy at the moment - so please be patient. What needs to be driven home (and I'm sure I speak for everyone else with this) is the fact that: 1. Excellent (top notch) grammar is essential 2. You must have time...
  8. JPO

    Ruling Can it attack?

    Thankyou very much for your help everyone. These questions had repeatadly come up, so thanks for your time :)
  9. JPO

    Ruling Can it attack?

    Hi Tangela's "Entangling vines" state that a basic pokemon cannot attack next can Dexoys ex's attack "Fast wave" attack, claiming it is "not effected by any other effects" work? Can it attack Tangela? One more simlilar question... If Latios ex d uses "Ice barrier", can Blaziken...
  10. JPO


    LOL I didnt even get a prerelease card promo! Was there even one this set/last?
  11. JPO

    Salamence ex PK - discuss

    Read the attacks to yourselves for a second...theres is no way to over hype salamence ex...its attcks are too godly! shamme about speed...but like i said, altaria ex d can solve this. I can't see how it can be so shunned.
  12. JPO

    Salamence ex PK - discuss

    ooh i dont think the second attacks thaaaaattt bad...pull off 2 and the all basics face the chop! You can in fact play both attacks in 3 turns with boost energy... Also Manine d (EX: Dragon Frontiers) practically allows you to only discard 4 cards...another mantine makes it 3, etc. etc. In my...
  13. JPO

    Salamence ex PK - discuss

    It's broken, no other word for it. To be able to repeatadly knock out stage 2 ex's in a single shot is TOO good. Not to mention it can barely be stopped: an active Latios ex or wobbuffet won't be able to protect form the devastating banch attack. To all you unbelievers out there, that spoiler...
  14. JPO

    Tues, Wed, Sat, 1/30-2/2, EX Power Keepers Scans and Set List, Meiji Promos

    RE: Tuesday, 1/30, Thirty-Five EX Power Keepers Scans YEAAHH! WALREIN EX! I think we all know how much i love that big ol' seal:D GREAT job on the scans WPM. This set looks quite promising! Although it is odd that they would make ex's that have recently been made, like shiftry...still...
  15. JPO

    Want to Become a Strategist?

    Hello, My name is Jack, I'm 16, and live in the south of England. I would love to become a strategist. Pokemon is a very deep game, and if you overlook them, they are all quite simliar. But if you look deeper, you can spot the cards that can succeed, and cards that fail! It is often nothing...
  16. JPO

    Ruling Gardevoir ex delta

    That is sweet. thanks that really rocks! Where did you find this out/how do you know? thanks
  17. JPO

    Ruling Gardevoir ex delta

    Goooooood morning! Can gardevoir's flame ball attack move a delta rainbow energy? The attack says: "You may move a fire energy attached to Gardevoir ex to 1 of your benched pokemon" It says nothing about the energy being basic... Delta rainbow says: "Provides COLORLESS energy. While...
  18. JPO

    Pelipper d>>>>Swellow d

    Yeah! what a topic! lol I have been playtesting my Gardevoir ex deck for agggesss....and i run 4-2-4 gardy ex, 2-2 swellow.. i must admit i also thought that pellipper would be a better option, and started of with it! however, i played with them both, and can explain why pellipper is...
  19. JPO

    Power Keepers Revelations

    Lol everyone take a breather... Why not speculate as to whats in the set? That IS what this forums is about, right? It looks like to me that cards from not the last format, but the format before, if that makes sense... so i wont recognise any reprints as i havent been playing that long! I...
  20. JPO

    Politoed ex or Salamence ex.. which should I use in my deck?

    hmm i would say salamence. His attack is quite flexible, and more useful due to the 40hp basics thrown in by dragon frontiers. 2 resistances is godly for an ex! it'll come to help against the gardy ex's and kingdra ex's. the HP is reallly nice, and the power ultimately lets you get 2 chances of...