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  • I'm also trying to work on a short story involving one of my ghost Fakemon. It was kind of inspired by a spook show I watched last night on the Biography channel called My Ghost Story: Caught on Tape. Yesterday's show featured a man whose home was haunted by several spirits including his son's deceased dog (he actually took a photo of it one night and its silhouette was clear as day).
    About seven. I expect it to be eight or nine when I'm done.
    Trying to finish Chapter Seven of FT. I want to try and finish it before Tuesday or Wednesday so I can post the full version.
    Eh, not really. Just old rock music from the 80s that plays on a classic rock station I listen to at work.
    Eh, not really. Just old rock music from the 80s that plays on a classic rock station I listen to at work.
    Eh, not really. Just old rock music from the 80s that plays on a classic rock station I listen to at work.
    Sweet. Let me know if you need any help with it, or getting the basics of PS! or PO's details.
    Aww, that sucks. It erased your team files too? I had that happen to me once as well. My old computer fried, and it had well over 60 teams on my PO. :[ I've only got like 10 nowadays, haha. Ah well, you can just ask if you ever want to try to set up a team on PS! or PO, once you get them installed and whatnot.
    Yo dude, not doing much at the moment. I'm actually just on waiting on a Skype call. Perhaps we can play a game or two in a minute. ;)
    I'm just kidding. I always get a kick out of when the list for the ten latest views on my profile tell me that someone glanced at it sometime after midnight based on my time zone, so I thought it would be fun to make a joke about it.
    Ah, what sort of weirdo looks at my profile at 12:53 AM (Central Daylight Time)? Just kidding! :) Hi.
    Sorry, I'm no good with other languages. I only know some Spanish and French. D:
    Yeah, it should. I just used it a few months ago.
    Thanks. I was afraid of Golbania's echoing voice, since it seemed a little mundane to me.
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