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  • Spanish, Italian, and French are all easy languages to figure out if you know what words have similar meanings. They're also derived from Latin, which I sort of know too.
    Bueno. I'm trying to finish up work on Ch. 7 of Feral Twilight now that I'm home from camp.
    Hola, Dark Giratina! Como Estas? (My spanish is rusty. Hopefully that's still an actual greeting, going off memory.)
    Good point. Not to mention a lot of stuff falls into fair use, so long as it's not for profit.
    Yeah. I know it passed through the House of Representatives, but I don't think it made it through the Senate. Besides, I think Obama was going to veto it.
    It was supposed to be a thing related to CISPA, which I thought died out. I recently remembered it after reading a protest journal on, but I haven't any actual current news about it...
    Internet service providers. I remember reading that they were supposed to start policing the Internet soon, but since then I've heard nothing.
    Yo dude, did you leave a profile comment for me yesterday? I remember seeing one, but I didn't reply since I had to go get some groceries. It wasn't there when I got back. What's up?

    or am I just crazy
    Actually, we got two free nights by agreeing to do this. I'm heading home tomorrow though.
    My dad and I had to put astroturf carpet on a raft for the custodian at the camp we're staying at. It took two hours of gluing and stapling to get it on to where it would stay while in the water.
    You will do my bidding... My bidding... Fine here, but I got sunburned working outside today.
    *Golbania-Chaste stares deeply into DG's eyes, swaying his head from side to side to mesmerize DG.* How are you doing? doing?
    Thanks again, I know I haven't been the best tutor, but we'll get back on track soon. You honestly don't have much more to work on from what I can tell, once we cover prediction/gameplay and advanced teambuilding, you're pretty much set. :]
    I'm just going through some tough times in my family, don't worry. I'll still pop by regularly enough to give you a few pointers on PO, I'm mad at myself enough for not practicing with you more often. But thanks for the concern. ^_^
    Dark Giratina, yes, I've been waiting for someone to notice, the Inheritance cycle is one of my favorite series! :D
    I'll have to go in just a while, so unfortunately, we can't play at the moment. :[ I hate that I'm holding you up from practice, but I've just been too busy lately. Hopefully next week will offer a repute from that.
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