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  • I haven't posted it yet, silly.

    And more of between a dream and realistic cat. It's a doll in reality, while in dreams, it seems to come into action. (Of course I put wings on it. And just a fyi, it's not actually something from my life; but made up. Get it?)
    Yeah; now I'm trying to write something I'm going to keep secret.

    I will give you one hint, though. The story about that cat.... I'm not going to post it on here, but somewhere else.
    That's your choice. I have drawing as the second option, but I'm going for writing. I can add my drawings to the pages of the stories.

    It's a lot better to start doing something early on so people can know you when they see you.
    I'd want to be an artist, too, but I didn't think I'd get much income... I mean, who wants to hire somebody to draw dragons? ^ ^;
    As for being chef, that might take some time. It's a lot of money and costs all the time you'd need. You might have to buy a lot of ingredients to work in a place like Pizza Hut and Papa John's. Plus, the thing could taste bad and then you'd have wasted money and time.
    Oh... that's pretty sad. Try to make the most out of your summer. ;)

    What do you want to be when you're older? I'd want to be a writer.
    Maybe it was somewhere during April or June. I get three months of summer. It ends somewhere around August. When does yours start?
    I've been really busy. By the time I get back home, I'll have only two free weeks of summer vacation. Where did all the time go?

    Sorry! How are you?
    Pokemon, of course. I've been kinda trying to avoid the Internet lately, so I can spend more time on my fiction.
    I'm fine. Just having a bad week out at camp...
    Dark Giratina, I drive to the two cities quite frequently for concerts and other outings so I'm used to it. Once a week wouldn't be all that bad. Thank you for the offer, I may just take you up on it one day!
    Dark Giratina, Haha. I'm definitely a fan of Pikachu (although who isn't?!). I'd like to get into the competitive scene but I still have a lot to learn. There aren't any leagues in my city but there are two cities (both an hour and a half drive away) that have leagues, so I may eventually start driving there to play.
    Dark Giratina, Nice! I dabbled in the Pokemon TCG as a kid when it first came out but didn't collect/play for more than a year. Just started getting into it again last week with my girlfriend and our friend. Catching up fairly quickly!
    Dark Giratina, Sounds like a great day! If you're asking what interests me on these forums, I joined mainly for the TCG boards, although I also enjoy the video games and anime! What interests you?
    Dark Giratina, Thank you for the welcome! I hope I am replying correctly (hit the reply button... wondering if I should have posted a comment to your profile instead?) I am doing well. Yourself?
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