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  • Oh, I thought it was supposed to be hellfire and brinstone raining from the heavens. :p
    It won't. This is coming from a guy who spent May 11, 2011 silently praying to be Raptured
    From my gathering, the failed Nibiru prophecy of 2003, which got pushed off to Dec. 21, 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan long-count calendar. Also, a lot of people misinterpreted the completion of a calendar round as the end of time. Look up and 2012 on NASA's official website. They explain it best. I would say do a Google search on Mayan beliefs too, but that would turn out a bunch of crap trying to convince you this is real.
    Actually, it's the date the Mayan calender cycles over and starts again. But, of course, the "Doomsday Preppers" and "History Channel" would have you believe something bad is going to happen, when the scattered descendants of the Maya even claim it's bogus.
    To be honest, I was sort of freaking out over the "doomsday prediction" that's slated for Friday, but then I kind of got over it after realizing just how ridiculous the thing really is.
    *Doxisite sprays venom past Articuno to try and get his attention.*
    Fairly well, but kind of annoyed. It seems like I can't get away from the whole 'doomsday 12/21/2012' BS (in real life or online), which is PO'ing me because I was starting to believe it until lately.
    *Luckyfire fainted!*
    Go! Mishaurio!
    *Girl sent out Mishaurio!*
    BTW, Mishaurio's a Lucario wearing a Mismagius hat and cape.
    Busy with what? I'm not busy with anything except homework and Lost Bells (a fanfic I'm writing). Why do you ask?
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