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  • Articuno, I find it adds a little more to the spice of life. Besides, I'm only really silly when I'm around you, possibly because it rubs off on me. Not like I mind; I enjoy your company.
    Articuno, ohhhhhh. Okay. That makes a bit more sense.
    I was wondering how you'd get indoor hockey without going to a rink, but I should have thought that you didn't mean ice hockey. Silly me!
    Articuno, I am too! But I still have a few more weeks of school (and then finals) before I can indulge, but when I do...ah, Christmas Break shall be so wonderful.

    You plan to do anything special during that time (like vacation) or just spend it with family? I assume the latter, since that's what most people do. (That's what I plan on doing too.)
    I thought you already had your name change for this year, i.e. I thought that you were still only allowed one per year. It's not that I care (in fact, I would've allowed name changes anytime for people who have good reputations on the forums), I just wanted to point that out.
    Huh, I thought the snow froze up there, same as here. Guess I'm wrong.

    That's pretty neat. Except that your previous changes were Typlo(ison)Wolf and Dark-Giratina
    Yup, since you live way up north. It must be pretty harsh... especially compared to 2011's first winter. What happened?

    On another note, why'd you change your name?
    Hahaha, it's good to see you trying to get rid of your addiction to Pokebeach. :p

    What activities are those, if I may ask?
    Fairly well. I'm trying to get some updates ready for FT and Biohazard, but my progress is slow.
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