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  • Well, I just got buried under a foot of snow yesterday.
    *Cryse aims the icicles on his ears and shoots them in a circle around Articuno to get his attention.*

    Hi, how are you doing?
    Articuno, ah, okay, I understand! Let me know via PM or profile comment or whatever when you have time to catch up. Would sometime during Christmas break work (when we're both off from school)?
    Articuno, I'm not saying today; I'm just saying eventually. No rush. (I have to leave in 10 minutes, anyway.)
    I'd just like to find a time, if possible, where the two of us can catch up on how we've been.
    Articuno, I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing. I hope it's good!
    Sometime in the future I'd like to talk to you on chat again; it's always a pleasure to speak with you.
    I'm feeling sort of bored, so I'm working on a fanfic I've been meaning to finish for a while. You remember that PM about a story with Pokebeachers in it? Yeah, I'm trying to finish it as soon as possible to help the WC. >_<
    Articuno, I didn't mean tournaments or anything. I knew you weren't interested in that.
    I was just wondering what you planned on doing this weekend.
    Articuno, pretty good too! Judging a Cities tomorrow, and that oughta be pretty fun! Or maybe I'm playing. One of them. Either way I'll be there all day. I'm going to love it.

    What about you? Or would you rather not say?
    Yes. I had to do the upstairs apartment of a hundred-year-old building. As you'd imagine, the construction was terrible. The dimensions of each room varied drastically from end to end, and the stairwell was like climbing a ladder because it was so steep and the steps were absurdly short (not to mention how narrow the thing was too).
    Been better. I had a nasty job yesterday and my muscles are all sore today because of it.
    *pecks Articuno's shoulder and then flies away laughing.*
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