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  • > watches the first one
    hahahahahaha it's like a British comedy sketch

    > starts watching the second one
    hahahahahaha snow in Toronto *keeps watching*
    Just so long as I get to see and check in with you every now and again to see how things are, I'll be happy.
    I'll wait as long as is necessary. I'm definitely not leaving here - I have to be here for my friends, you included.
    All right, if you say so. I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to/care about your problems/whatever you want.
    It's more of a challenge to myself, since I'd like you to stick around because you're a good friend of mine.

    So what would you like me to do for you that might convince you to stay a while?
    I accept your challenge. I am at your disposal.
    What would you like me to do for you?
    • ...fair enough
    • ...same here. I just judge tourneys now.
    • You got involved in PB politics? ...I know that feel...
    • I know how it feels to get stiffed like that as well, especially in the fanfic department.

    I do understand your feelings and I know your reasons are perfectly legitimate. I just get sad when my friends just leave and I never see them again...not your fault.

    Is there anything I can do to convince you to stick around, seeing as I enjoy your company very much? really just want to leave PB behind, don't you?
    Is it just not a nice atmosphere to be around or do you not like Pokemon enough to stick around? (If it's the latter, I may doubt that since I don't like Pokemon too much either.)
    Couldn't you occasionally pop on PB now and again to say hi to your friends? or do you really not feel attached to this place anymore, not even for the people you meet?
    I stay here for one primary purpose: to hang out and talk with my friends. I don't like the TCG as much as I used to, and I can't jive with the VG scene either, but I absolutely love the people here. That's why I stay - to hang out with them.

    You have many friends here, right? Friends you love talking with?

    And why are you losing interest? Nothing to do? Not fond of the people? Doesn't have things you like doing?
    Haha, okay. I should be able to get on PO in an hour or so if you're wanting to practice or something.
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