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  • Well, there's a small difference in David Belle leaping across rooftops and you leaping across rooftops. :p Besides, I'm sure he's got his share of injuries.

    And I would come on PO and chat/battle, but I've only got access to my phone at the moment. And yeah, PO isn't very chatty as it used to be when we had the guys from PokeRealm on there. That's why I prefer IRC for just talking.
    Yeah, like I said, it's not a blast. Hopefully it never happens to you on one of your runs. But as long as you're not leaping from building to building, I think you'll be fine.
    Tell me about it. I've actually fallen off a bus before, my backpack snagged on a pole or something as I took the first step off, broke my leg as a result. Not fun.
    >Mentions Parkour to me many times via profile comment and in your bio
    >Doing stunts outside/vault over a table

    It's not hard to connect the dots. ;3
    Hm? What's been happening as of late? If you don't mind me asking.
    But still, you're not going to do something that you dislike doing and call it anything else but work. If you became a famous writer, you wouldn't get up saying to yourself: "Ugh, I have to go write a beautiful piece of literature today. Jeez." You'd be happy with what you were working on, and it wouldn't be considered a "job" to you. See what I'm saying?
    Haha, you would think that. But it makes sense. If you wake up wanting to go to your job, then it's not really "work", is it? It's something that you enjoy doing, you're not being forced into labor or anything like that.
    Haha, that's a lot like me, too. I worry about that when it comes to an actual career, not a part time job. If you like what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. I'm a pretty lazy guy, so that fits the bill for me.
    Ah, don't worry, I'm sure you'll find one. It may not be your preferred choice, but you should be able to find something.
    I don't know how old you are, but it's always something to think about. I was lucky enough to be able to work with my dad, but still, it's something to keep me occupied before my part-time job at college. I'll be working with the local student-run radio station. :]
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