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  • They're not completed or anything, just ideas. I used to be very interested in military fiction and things like that. I don't even know if I have an OC's lying around, to be honest.
    Sweet, looking forward to it. I do have a few ideas for fics, but they're not Pokemon-related, so they wouldn't receive any interest here.
    You definitely should continue, I haven't read many good fics lately. Completed ones, at least.
    Oh, fine, same old same old. Didn't have to work today, so that's the reason you're seeing me online before 9:00 PM. :]
    I must admit that I like Latios a bit more than Latias, they've always been two of the coolest Pokemon.
    Mmm, didn't expect Latios of all things. Although it seems Incinermyn influenced your decision a bit.
    Some of my designs and drawings are sort of crappy, so anything you do can be nothing but an improvement on them. Just saying, I'm far better at writing than drawing.
    I need to do some revisions based on your review anyways. Not to mention I have other projeccts going on that might keep me from updating it for a while.
    Actually, this particular avatar I'm using reminded me of a scene in FT where Leyi-geyi turned away from Jay momentary as though he was plotting something suspicious. That's why I went with it.
    Dark Giratina,

    Tis a good song... Tells people about the polution in this freakin world... LETS GO SUE OBAMA FOR DIS :p
    Dark Giratina, you do.. Isn't that quit gay?? :p

    lol, I'm trying to finish my mew I drew today, and then listening the song on AoH's RMT
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