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  • Pfft, don't bother, it SUCKS. Read this post for a few reasons why. You can still get it, but don't pay more than 40 bucks for it.
    There are literally hundreds of Star Wars novels, I doubt anyone's read all of them, even Lucas himself. What game did you play? Force Unleashed? Battlefront? Rouge Squadron?
    Star Wars is the greatest story ever told, EVER. The movies, games, and books; they're all wonderful.
    Awesome, although I don't pick up as many Sci-Fi stories as I used to. Star Wars was my stuff man. :[
    Yeah. I think I've said what I like before, but usually I'll pick up a military Tom Clancy-type novel, or just something classic. I don't read stuff like Warrior Cats or anything like that. :p
    My dad used to read a ton of novels, so thankfully, I don't have to deal with that, haha.
    With video games, creators have to focus on gameplay rather than making the best plot, but that doesn't mean Video Games aren't good storytelling devices. Books have just been around for a bit longer, lol. And snarky comments by who?
    Some video games have some great plots, but you're right, most of them can't compare to a good book.
    Ah, come on. Video Games are what makes the world go round, and Halo's one of the best. ;3
    Sure am! I've been one ever since CE was released back in 2000. I read the books and everything, haha. You play Reach or anything?
    Haha, we'll see. I really need some inspiration (and some free time) to actually come up with something interesting to write about.
    Nah, I'm not sure if I even saved anything on my old computer. Even if I did, I didn't transfer the files.
    And as a rule of thumb; disregard most of my posts before I was modded, since I was a complete idiot back then, haha. I don't even know what I was talking about half of the time.
    Oh yeah, that's something an irl friend worked with me on. It' actually very similar to AC3's storyline, haha. But we didn't make any progress on it, sadly. I doubt I still have any of the info on it.
    Although, I did help Delta a bit with a fanfic he's still working on, and from what I've read, it's really good. Not sure on it's progress, but he'd done a lot already.
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