bacon, astronomy! one of my friends has a hobby of studying astronomy, so some of the stuff he tells us is extremely ridiculous to those of us who don't study it
For example: if we scaled down Earth to the size of a grain of sugar, and the sun to the size of a billiard ball, the sun would be about 19 feet from the grain of sugar. The next closest star would be Proxima Centauri. If we used the scale, the distance away from the grain of sugar it would be is from my house in Green Bay, Wisconsin, all the way down to Tallahasee, Florida. Since you don't live in the us, you probably don't know exactly how far that is.
If we put the grain of sugar in London, and the billiard ball representing the sun 19 feet away, Proxima Centauri would be on the southern side of the Vatican City.
To me, to think about how big that is when we put it up to a real-life scale is truly mind-boggling.