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  • uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh honestly probably not cuz i don't have a tablet

    so unless i was with lordy, probably not

    anything else art related that you are behind i would definitely use
    ...okay, that's odd. You're in the bio list (in which I put the important peeps) but not in the normal list.
    No matter, I can fix that!
    From my experience, few furries actually believe they're the wrong species as opposed to act out as an alter ego that happens to be an anthropomorphic animal. A lot of furries have turned it into something sexual, but quite a few don't. To me, I just like the lighter aspects of furry fandom (non-adult artwork and writings, some cosplay, and some online roleplay as my fursona Apollo). I guess I can't speak for all furries, but I know that not all are nasty...
    bacon, bacon likes my avatar. I can die happy now :)

    Thanks man, I like your avatar too. I think I like your signature more though.
    Yeah, CB would be legit with Fighting/Flying. Skarm and Glisor both risk the 2HKO. The only problem with it is 100 speed gets trolled pretty bad, espicially when you have to pick between Adamant or Jolly.

    You actually don't need Reckless imo. Iirc you still get the 2HKO on Gliscor, so might as well use Intimidate to somewhat live longer. Flying/Fighting has a good list of resistances to boot.
    Haha I dunno about Fighting/Flying, I guess SR neutrality is nifty but I'd still spam Brave Bird. It 2HKOs all of OU with Reckless and CB apart from Skarm and Magnezone iirc. You do like, 80% to Ferro, it's a really amazing wall breaker and deserves OU status
    I used Staraptor once and found it to be okay in OU. I dunno, the quick death wasn't my thing. I do like its design and the fact that it's the only Normal/Flying that doesn't suck balls though.

    If only it was Flying/Fighting... ;(
    Yo I have a problem,

    [18:55] *** You're banned! Email [email protected] with the ERROR line below for help.
    [18:55] Error : Closing link: ([email protected]) [Z-Lined: Your IP,, is in our Open Proxy List]
    [18:55] Disconnected from

    Apparently I'm banned? I haven't done anything and judging by how dead the chat has been I'm assuming that this is a glitch which has affected a lot of people with me being the latest victim. :C

    Eeyup. I removed the ban but I dunno if that'll be enough to solve it completely.
    What can I say? I aim to please. (And, being half-British myself, I can really appreciate it as well.)
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