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  • wow, thats incredible, i think i would like to see something like that, i also would like to see a new move, a move that hits round 200, but its like a 3 pp type move
    forum for just trading would be nice, i know im one of few that would use it but i think if it was there that a lot of people would use it, with sections for looking and giving, i know i would participate in it
    I knew I was forgetting something after I replied to the thread, haha. Thank you.
    Chariblaze, That can certainly be considered one aspect that should be considered for total completion (especially in Generation 5 with the 'Dex actually displaying each shiny sprite if you see it), but other aspects could include: Wi-Fi accomplishments, Ribbons, and collecting all of the event Pokémon of that Generation.
    Eh... I feel like that'll take too long. Sorry but maybe another time, I'm honestly too lazy to go through that trouble right now. :/
    Thanks for inviting me. Sorry I never responded, I haven't been able to go on Pokebeach lately due to computer issues (it's still slow as heck), so I'm hoping I didn't miss that MK7 tourney. Maybe some other time though.

    I wish I could, but I sadly won't be there at the time. LMK if you are having any matches in the future. I would be happy to join.

    Best regards,

    The Yoshi

    lol did I just type in letter format
    Chariblaze, I think I wanted to try out the later megemen so I skipped to 7 and 8, then I just randomly completed 5 one night. I'll get round to them eventualy, not like I am singling them out or anything.
    Argh, I missed your birthday! I was up in the mountains until the 16th >.<

    I know I'm late but I wish you well all the same.
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