I'd argue the gameplay is the most important part. When the game is over, do you remember the region or the gameplay? With a basic understanding of Gamefreak coding conventions, I can crank out about a new region per three months... and I'm a single person. What I'm saying is that they're lazy. The region is really easy to create... you just have to tile it correctly. What is important about a game is its gameplay... and as I said, there is very little different between BW and 4th gen. It has a new coat of paint, a new region, and new Pokemon, but that isn't anything an amateur modder couldn't do with a copy of a 4th gen ROM. When I get new games, I look for something that sets them apart and makes them a unique experience. 5th gen had very little difference to a 4th gen ROM hack (save for multiplayer obviously). It clearly had more than a ROM hack, but those new features are negligible and fairly worthless.