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  • Chariblaze, I remember seeing the number before, but couldn't remember the exact number. Sorry if it caused inconvenience.
    Chariblaze, that's correct - I wanted an actual battle video. (If it was just Youtube, I'd listen to the music itself, no battle video necessary.)
    Premier Ball all the way. It's valuable, has a cool effect, and you only get 1 per every 10+ Poke Balls you buy at a time. Which makes them even better.
    Chariblaze, It is amazing. And people kept saying that you only got one per Game Card.

    LOLz that's funny XD. When you clone events they are still legit unless you clone a hack XD. That is one of the reasons why I have so many events. I get my events cloned before I trade or have the person clone my events while we trade if they can do that XD. They usually keep a free copy for compensation XD.:) I don't clone myself because I had an AR for only 24 hours as I barrowed it from a friend. Then I found out about the risks so my sister unloaded the software. I was getting something cloned with someone once and the person I was trading with lost 200 events and my event was lost but I got it back within 15 minutes from another member. If you trade just put in a clone request and get your events cloned. As long as you are not cloning there is no risk in you of loosing anything. The members doing the cloning are the ones who are at risk XD.:) I found that out ages ago XD.:)
    Chariblaze, Oh ok. Just so you know cloned stuff is the exact same as an original. They are only hacked if you clone a hack XD. No worries. Thanks anyway XD.:)
    Hey wazup? I have 2 events I need transferred on 4th gen to 5th gen but first I have to get them cloned. After they are cloned will you have time to transfer? I am not sure how long it will take to get them cloned though. Thanks XD.:)
    Chariblaze, no problem. Just clarify what you're doing next time. It looked like you were replying to two separate people, but I couldn't really tell the way you had posted it. Use names when in doubt!
    Heh, no worries. I actually have a few foreign Pokemon lying around myself, so I could test it personally.
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