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  • Specualtion does make things froggier, doesn't it?
    Heracross is an invaluable asset to my Eeveelution army.
    DNA, That is great :D And, guess where Im going monday! My family is taking a day trip to nothern netherlands to see a life size Noah's arc. SOmeone re-created it based on the measurements mentioned in the bible
    DNA, sorry for the late reply, I was busy doing homework :( Maths, again. Mean, median, mode and range.

    People have also been patronising me at school. Just because I'm kind and a lot smarter than them doesn't mean they can talk down to me like I'm a dog or something. And I ain't no popular girl, so they pick on me for that too. When will hey learn that one day, I could be their boss? Well, not at McDonald's anyways :)
    I meant after saying I had croaked. :p

    Speaking of croaking, what Fighting moves do you believe Froakie will have? Low Sweep? Mach Punch?
    With those claws, Chespin is almost guaranteed to have Hone Claws and Night Slash. Maybe even Thief?
    Alright, now, if Chespin really is Grass/Fighting and Froakie really is Water/Dark, then I will have plenty of options to beat your frog army.
    DNA, I'm actually feeling hype for this game. This isn't exactly a new feeling, but I just hope it's real and doesn't fade away.
    DNA' pid='2432408' dateline='1368547044 said:
    The day I learned Froakie learns Quick Attack is the day that I was solidified in my previous decision to pick him as my starter. Any doubt that may have existed in my mind is now gone forever.

    Froakie cult for life.
    Seeing someone so sure of their decision makes me have to wonder why I ever thought about reconsidering. I think Fennekin may be one of the cutest things I've ever seen, but Froakie...I don't know what it is, but Froakie is just on another level of awesomeness.

    DNA,We moved the marathon to Monday, so I should be able to show up :D I might be a bit late (I have no idea the length of the play I am going to is). Well, how have you been? Oh, I have a book signing scheduled now :D
    DNA, it was very random. Lining up in the lunch queue was quite fun as I was next to the boy I like, and all we did was talk and laughed. My friend got pushed onto the floor (chavs again), she stepped on cheese (on purpose), and I sang the Doctor Who theme song. So yeah, another day in the life of me.
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