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  • I'm doing great! I recently (ummm... Friday, maybe?) built a deck focused around Darkrai, Absol, and Deoxys with a Keldeo EX tech to get rid of poison and that crap. Basically, the goal is to set up a turn 1 Absol with as many Deoxys EXs as possible. I also have Lasers and Dark Claw for extra damage. I saw Iron Man 3 today, so that was fun.
    Waited for a response and I feel bad but I really have to go now. Sorry for the inconvenience hopefully we can finish this at another time.
    Hey something came up so I have leave you think we can finish the DW later? We got everything that was needed for you so I don't mind waiting for another time for me.
    ...okay... I saw the alternate ending with Chrom slaying Grima... Crap-ola! The one with my avatar beating him was definitely way better.
    Gotta do the Last mew on Gen Iv lol I'm waiting on Wifi

    And the FC is in the post I sent with my HG FC
    I don't mind, we can just go ahead and trade it :p I owe you after the huge ass delay lol
    The last one is the Calm Mew you weren't to sure about did you want to trade it still? If not than we're done with Gen IV after this batch.
    White 2: 2237 5577 3115
    HeartGold: 2924 9641 3413

    Alright works for me :) sorry about that. I couldn't find the little bastard :p
    Oh and I forgot to mention I wasn't able to find my shiny Riolu but I did have the NON shiny version. Will this be a problem?
    That's my problem them. I got stingy and didn't switch units' classes around much. I didn't think anything off it until their levels started to get maxed out.
    I'm going to add you to my buddy list, your choice whether or not to add me to yours.
    Chrom was actually my main choice for fighting in all battles, whether he automatically had to participate or not. However, I kept running into the issue of him getting killed right away against Grima, so I paired him up with a mounted unit (Stahl, to be specific), and waited for him to jump in and attack automatically. Even when Stahl got KO'd, I still had Chrom left to finish the fight. Also, when Chrom gets killed, the game's over, remember? Grima's attacks were too brutal for him to survive without having a partner to attack with.
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