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  • DNA, http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/123/2/8/baltoy_claydol_by_xous54-d63zr52.png

    Also, sounds good to me. If you want, I can make you your own version of the Claydol avatar.
    Oh, that's what it was. I thought it was Grima's breath when he was somehow counter attacking. I guess I'll need to pay better attention to it the next time I fight him.
    DNA, common enough that I didn't know it wasn't allowed until recently, and I'd been going to that store for league and tournaments for over a year.

    Well, we're getting nationals in my state this year, as we got the biggest regionals (We got a top 16, which is bigger than nationals for as long as I can remember. We usually only have a top 8 for masters at nationals). But hopefully they'll come and set up a store!
    The jaws fall off...? I didn't even know that. I guess I was too quick to kill him off to see that happen.
    DNA, I haven't seen one since nationals last year. I'm pretty sure the shop that holds the bigger tournaments in my state doesn't allow them to set up in the shop. We're not supposed to sell cards to one another either, but practically everyone does.
    DNA, you pretend to lick the back of its head :D

    I don't really collect any. They're around $35 here, so they're not exactly cheap. I do like looking over the stands and seeing all the cool stuff though!
    Okay, well, I thought that ending was kind of bland. The final battle music, like the rest of the boss battle music, was amazing. However, I kind of got freaked out by how dragon Grima's head changed every time human Grima took a lot of damage. The humanlike visage was rather grotesque by the end of the fight.
    Well, I beat FE Awakening. I have to say that the ending kind of sucked...not entirely, but I felt like it could've been a lot better given all the buildup.
    DNA, Hmm, right, I was going to send you a list, wasn't I?

    Do you like
    DNA, It looks like it's about to rain, so I'll probably be staying inside.

    And yeah, I've been charging it all night.
    DNA, haha, of course not. It's the weekend!

    When I borrowed it the lady at the counter told me it was charged, and then after 16 photos a battery sign flashed on, and then it ran out of battery =.=

    But yeah, it was fun.
    That would be great PLEASE do. I'll have to see what I need to get done ASAP. I've been so busy with all these giveaways lol but I'm finally at a point where I can work on other stuff so def send me that list :)
    DNA, Well, it's only 8.30, am, so nothing's really happened yet, but it hasn't been bad.
    Though, yesterday for photography my friend came over and we took photos of her in her pikachu onesie surrounded by my pokemon plush and then she played my brother at pokemon cards with me helping her and won. It was really great, except the camera our school had allowed us to borrow died almost straight away.
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