Right, because whenever anyone who you don't want to deal with makes a suggestion, you just take it as whining.
No, there's no difference in dairy products. Just Wisconsin's climate can be harsh on dairy production in winter. Also, being in a drought, milk prices are expected to skyrocket going into fall (at least according to current ag-reports on the local news).
Well, it's true. The two states are supposed to be the top milk producers in nation, or were at one point anyways. I've even seen cheese from California for sale in grocery stores in my area, so that's kind of where my joke stems from.
Just saying, I hope PMJ's actions hoped you realize that you aren't supposed to post as often as you do in the WW thread. It's a mistake to do it so often with meaningless posts, really. But you're running the game, so...:/
Deus: Nightmare Autarch, For people to come check out the fountains and plants. She works at a water garden. There is a raffle, and people selling food. We are getting paid.