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  • Can't provide it. I regret to say I solely trusted the anonymous group that contributes to and edits Bulbapedia. I've taken that back. Though I'd be willing to bet it's true, I can't prove it.
    DNA, It was just the second time I went. Sadly, it's so dang expensive... I wish I could go more often.

    When I went, and the people were making us recite the rules, my friends I would all say things instead of "I will not sit, kneel, or lay down" we'd scream "I WILL SIT, KNEEL AND LAY DOWN!" and we did :p

    Ohhhh Laserquest... Soooooo fun~

    Yeah he does. Or it does. It was wonderful.
    i will contact an smod now
    for my earning of these internets
    and because almost two days with no name change is silly
    DNA, Well, I got to go to Laserquest last night, and my first round, I named myself "Pikachu"(because you pick a nickname) and out of 35 people, I got 7th place ^.^
    Then the second round, I named myself "Pinkie Pie" and got 9th out of 29 people. I did worse that round because this dang boy kept dragging me around with him... Apparently we were suppose to have an alliance...
    Back in the original ex times, you had Scizor ex UF, Gardevoir d DS, and Starmie d DS. Get Starmie d to search for Metal Energy, and use Gardevoir to move the Metal around to Scizor or Gardy depending on who you want to attack with. (Scizor was preferred.) I was too naive about the game when I ran this, and I didn't have any Scizor, so I stressed my deck on Gardevoir d and a Gardevoir ex d DF tech. SO MANY MEMORIES.
    DNA, There's is no possible way to express or demonstrate a bro bound without exploding or making precisely sixteen typos.

    Well, my dad, whom hasn't lived in our house for a while, got a new job. It's a huge improvement financially, but he's going to be pretty far away for eight months. I mean, I guess I'm used to it, but I'm just sad and releived that he's going....all at once.

    As for the good part, I'm eating healthy, getting pretty super grades, and really starting to like the life I live. Sometimes I feel like I really don't need anything else.

    That sounds pretty intense, but cool. Sounds like you have a plan, which is better than the average youngin'.
    DNA, I'm trying to not change it. Just that the temptations are a bit overpowering, but I don't want to change it.
    DNA, You lost two cards? Try to remember where you last saw them, then search in that location. Good luck.

    Why the "iwutudidthar"?
    DNA, the eletricial bills are up. :p Get it?

    Besides that, I have to finish the third (or fourth?) chapter of The Time Portal. How about you?
    DNA, Yes, but normally because of kidnappers and things like that. So I'm more worried about spiders and bugs or something grabbing me out of nowhere. But it was a little scary. After a while, I got a great idea and grabbed two solar lights from the front yard. After my father and brother was about to leave, the house lit up. Finally. :)

    A few storms? I saw on the news that the southern part of the state had tornadoes. O_O
    DNA, Yes. I recently made a avatar (and art) of a dragon. I tried to make it look realistic.

    Also, about a hour ago, the eletricity went out in our house. Luckily, it wasn't too cold- but it really was dark. *shudders*
    Again? You can't be referring to my art critice, can you... ? What else have I said... : D
    Looks like I missed half of the point this time. :>
    King Arceus (... : D ) is so unthankful, I reminded him friendly that #pbmods is not hidden and anyone can join it, and he just says " did you really think it was ok to come in?"
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