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  • You have no idea how much I just resisted replying to your post on the Question thread about the "time per action" thread. I was going to reply: Winning a big tournament: Timeless
    DNA, Agreed, especially if you're a 9-year-old. I "joined" this site about two years ago, and when I finally came back, I noticed that my account was gone and decided to make another account, with the same name and same password. I'm pretty lucky I didn't reveal my age or I'd be in big trouble.
    DNA, I logged on and someone asked about my age. I didn't answer because my mother said that there are some people who want to kidnap young women. I don't want to be kidnapped.

    As long as I don't reveal my location, they'll never find me. I just hope they don't make a fuss about it. :(
    DNA, It's okay though! I can do this. *Gets my headband* I GOT THIS DNA, I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU SO I GOT IT.

    Claydol, will not defeat me.
    DNA, Exactly, Land form is too simple. *shrug* I can't get that plump little body straight I swear. Can't draw Lati@s heads right. Mawile's legs are weird. Zorua's head is too wide and smeargle just pisses me off when I'm drawing.

    But I can draw anything else. Excluding Claydol, he has now been put on the list.
    heheheheh what ever you hear from PPL it's not true....


    I'm sorry if you hear about it.. it was a joke!
    DNA, Yeah..I'm pretty sure it was.... *whistles*

    I guess, maybe I'm just making Mr.Onion harder than it needs to be. Ugh. Or maybe it is officially one of those pokemon I can't draw. I can't draw any of my favorite pokemon.
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