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  • DNA, More like an Ice Cream sammich to me. It's all funky and stuff. I threw it away twice. xD
    DNA, More like an Ice Cream sammich to me. It's all funky and stuff. I threw it away twice. xD
    I don't know why its so complicated for me to draw Claydol for you. Maybe cause I'm a perfectionist? It has a funny shaped head. :F
    DNA, I reinstalled it. And yes, I have some experience with animations. And, yes, but I don't go there anymore because they're not nice unlike the forums, whereas members post friendly posts. In the chatroom, the only time I ever went there was when I was tempbanned. And someone said "yeah, she's banned" so I went off. I don't normally get bad posts, so I was a bit upset. The second time I went there, there was no one there.
    DNA, I accidentally deleted it by trying to move it to "Appilcations". It then disappeared. ._.

    And, oh, I have a account at benettonplay.com, where they make "flipbooks". I just draw a picture on a frame, then do the next, and so on.

    I have two accounts: a guest, and a member. The member account is "LuckyDragon". But I made silly little videos about dragons. And the other guest? Well... it was about dragons and stuff, too. I left benettonplay.com and went here.
    DNA, Oh you do? I didn't know if that was true or not. I assumed that hate was too strong of a word to describe your feelings toward me but alright. Thanks for letting me know so I don't have to wonder about that anymore. :]

    *Adds DNA to the list of Afro-G haters*
    DNA, Not too good. I can't make the pictures move. I need to learn more.

    And I recently finished drawing a Weed Horn Sea Dragon on Paintbrush, but I accidentally deleted Gimp... I was going to use that for the background...
    DNA, My question is obviously not clear, lol

    If I use a die instead of a coin, in what case can I request a re-roll? When the die lands on a slanted surface or what? lol

    Aight, so a question.

    Under what circumstances can I request a reroll (Like a roll instead of flipping a coin)?

    Thanks :D
    DNA, decided not to go since nobody traded me their virizion NV.. I need 2, so I'm going to frank n son's instead. $6 full art virizion. Ohh yeah.
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