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  • I won't be able to go on chat. I have to leave it 7 minutes. Oh and won't be on tomorrow.
    DNA, Meh, I'd rather not be. I don't want any more responsibilities here than I need.
    DNA, Yes, but it's not what I had in mind. I still plan to use it.

    Also, I'll be opening a gallery in Lillycove Muesum. I'm working on a draft. ;)
    It seems like my thread was either deleted or moved to another forum. Maybe I could ask TDL about it.

    Anyway, I just made a new avatar... this time, it's not about Ozzy. It's about a new character, Mohawk. You can also call it Mo'hawk.
    DNA, Even going through mibbit.com it won't connect to #pokesunrise...or even PB. Sometimes PB chat will work but it's few and far between
    DNA, Few weeks? it's been like 4 days lol. Actually she took off to Paris this morning. I can't get on chat anymore...it will never let me :/. If I could I would but it's really picky on when it wants to work
    For some reason...I keep seeing your name everywhere and it looks green for some reason and I semi freak out and go "HE'S A MOD?! OH SH-" and then I realize it's still black and I return to my profile hopping...
    I'm tired...but I wanna do things on beach. Lmbs is in London btw :/ 8 hour difference and it's kinda driving me crazy lol.
    Well, you are more often amused on true things than on false things, so yeah, I see that justification.
    DNA, ;D
    I decided to got back to ShadowLugia come January anyways; too many people know and love me as SL. Daft Punk is cool to be in the mean time, though. :3 Also, I have my sig on a rotator as well now, but it certainly doesn't compare to the amount of images in yours.
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