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  • DNA, Some of my "helpful" threads got locked... and one had the same topic as the "Improving Pokebeach" thread before the other thread was actually posted.

    I just typed up the thread... but it's not the same as the one I posted on your profile.
    DNA, Because I'm afraid the mods would lock it. But I'll post it. ;)

    I deleted the draft. The problem with drafts is that they don't have pop-ups that warns you, "Warning! You can't recover this draft! Proceed?". >.<
    DNA, Posting? If it was 20 pages long, people would still have a hard time reading it. (unless they can read really fast)
    DNA, Okay. I just made a draft of my thread. I'll change it.

    But if this thread was popluar, they'd have to go through 200 pages of comments. :)
    DNA, Right. I plan to post this:

    I've noticed that some people change their names, then want to change it back. Some are trying to decide what their names should be. So I've created a thread to help others discuss what their usernames will be. We can talk about which person's names are good, some maybe bad. To give an example, I'll post this quote:

    1) Lucky
    2) Drago'n
    3) LPG

    I think Drago'n is a confusing name. LPG should be the best for you, LPG.

    To begin, you can PM me your list of names you want to change to. Once I read it, I will post the PM on the following list. You can also post your list in my profile. So if your list isn't too long, I'll post it here!
    DNA, Tobias used a Darkrai to single-handedly destroy the 8 gyms of Sinnoh, defeat Ash in the Sinnoh Cup, and become Sinnoh champ. The point of the question is he used an Uber in an OU-centric tournament :p
    DNA, You might be right. I might post a thread for people who can't decide what username to change to. I just want to help others on this site. ;)
    If you thought this Keldeo one was bad, you're really going to hate me tomorrow (or whenever I get a chance to upload the next one).
    DNA, Haha, yep. Looks better anyways. And cool new avatar, although I can't place where it's from...
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