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  • ShadowLugia, Silly Jake. Its only been forever minus one day. :> But still, that's way too long.

    Things are going pretty good. Second semester of school started yesterday (crazy small class sizes gogogogo), and my family's moving at the end of June, so things are going to be really crazy until summer. But oh well, its just part of life. :>
    ShadowLugia, personal amusement. A few people at my church love Monty Python as much as I do, and we've both expressed the desire to perform this.

    There's just one phrase in there that I need to censor.
    ShadowLugia, this!
    I've been wanting to do this for months. I've got about 80% of the words down, but I need to perfect it.
    ShadowLugia, nothing wrong with owning the entire saga. It lets you have movie nights where you watch the whole story continuously.

    Speaking of movies, I need to write down the script for a movie scene I plan to act out soon...
    ShadowLugia, if they put Hayden Christensen in the Episode VI final party scene, I'm going to RAGE.

    I have 1 on VHS, as well as 4. I don't remember about the others, but I think I have 6.
    ShadowLugia, the first time I heard about it, I drove by a bus stop. I had mixed emotions about it, and apparently 10 Feb is the only day they're showing it. (seriously?)

    I've got Phantom Menace on VHS (which I got as a birthday present when I was pretty young) so I'm not going to go see it, but if it's for the people who haven't seen it, so much the better.

    just please no attack of the clones in 3d oh jeez no no no NO
    ShadowLugia, ShadowLugia, merp I don't know about famous c:, but thank you! What kind of videos do you post?
    ShadowLugia, as much as I love stirring up trouble, I don't think it was needed in this particular case. It did stem from Yoshi bringing up what he did, yes, but I wanted to organize my thoughts before presenting them.
    ShadowLugia, stirring up trouble wasn't my intent nor will it ever be...and neither is personal glory. I'd love to help pick up whatever pieces I can; I don't know where I'd be most effective but I'm willing to look out for where.

    And, thanks for the vote of confidence.
    ShadowLugia, I can't just stop, can I? I'm too far ingrained into PB to just up and leave - plus I like helping out here; it's one of the things I enjoy doing.

    I was personally looking forward to seeing a response from you in my thread, but didn't see one. At least I heard something back from you, which is great!
    ShadowLugia, Agreed completely. I despise reflection also. It's too easy to run around in circles with a sword killing everyone in sight (which is what I did at the beginning of the match -.-)

    Oh, and this is me at my best ;) :
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