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  • And now I understand your usertitle lol.

    That was some great fun, I haven't played Halo in a while. Let's make sure to do it again sometime ^.^
    I know you don't actually own the channel. You're just one of the contributors. Which is awesome, by the way. I hope to see more of your vids!
    ShadowLugia, Hey.

    I had to withdraw from the off-season tournament because it was finals week. But I'm always up for a fun game.
    You're on the machinimarespawn channel? Awesome! Can you link me to one of your specific videos?
    ShadowLugia, No, no, no I mean the animated music video's. I heard them when I was younger, never been able to recollect it.
    THAT'S Daft Ounk? The blue guys? Oh god I love them! I thought they were just another generic techno beat. I'm so sorry.
    ShadowLugia, didn't matter, it broke the insult rule about name changes.
    Dude when I put down Scrub I was serious.

    Five minutes later I was rofling.

    Five minutes later I realized I wouldn't be able to tell if someone is actually calling me a scrub or not. ._.

    You're slipping up. :P

    Meh. Middle school is middle school. The year has been going so fast, though. I'd say it's been pretty decent so far, however.
    ShadowLugia, if it gets you hooked, it's done its job. MUFUFUFUFUFU
    I'm more interested in the sleeves, actually.
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