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  • ShadowLugia, I actually stopped following the Bionicle series right after the Piraka was over, because by then I felt like they were running out of ideas and were then just grasping at things. (Seriously, gladiators? What?)

    The original-series Toa were and still are my favorite, and out of those Kopaka took the cake.
    I'm glad to see that you remember the simpler times as well.
    I know you usually have a habit of having really awesome avatars...
    ...but I'm sorry; I had a nostalgia attack and had the urge to 1-up you.

    also as far as YGO decks go, I prefer Inca Dragons :p
    ShadowLugia, a noble pursuit indeed! The brains behind the machine is always one of the most awesome things to be; hearing that that is your interest makes me pleased.
    ShadowLugia, farmboy wanting to become an astronaut

    The interesting thing about astronomy and such is that it is very expansive but also very limited, and it's also a bit of a gamble as well. You could spend zillions of dollars and find nothing worth mentioning, or a whole new planet suitable for life. Although, there's a lot within our stratosphere that can be done with aerospace as well.

    I've noticed when people say UK they end up meaning the University of Kentucky in most places. Instinctively it bugs me because I spent half my childhood in the United Kingdom, but I guess it can't be helped since they abbreviate to the same thing.
    ShadowLugia, I want to try and major in pharmacology one day.

    It might seem weird that I'm taking Econ to that end, but one of the places I want to transfer to (UC San Diego) requires both Micro and Macroeconomics for the major. So I'm going to try and take them at junior college because it's closer and costs less.

    also UC San Diego has an amazing rep
    I have some hilarity for you.

    So I was in my micro-economics class today, and the teacher was explaining the benefits of trade. She used the following phrase:

    "If you allocate 20% of your resources to producing guns, and 80% to producing butter, you'll end up with 4 guns and 14 pounds of butter. If your neighbor allocates the same percentages, he ends up with 6 guns and 15 pounds of butter. Numerically, that means that your neighbor produces guns and butter better. ...harder, faster, stronger"

    Daft Punk was referenced in an economics class. YES!
    ShadowLugia, lol smogplant. it's filled with an**es of the highest caliber.

    The PB crowd, although very uneducated at times (and that does tend to get on my nerves) is at the very least friendly and amiable, and nice to get along with. That's why I like staying here and do not wish to leave.
    ShadowLugia, ironically, at the same time I read this comment, I was watching Arby n the Chief, the latter of whom was saying "U GOTZ 2 B SRS FACE K?"

    Thing is, I honestly don't do it for the credit - that's part of it, but that is not my prime reason. I do it because there are people here who need help, and I want to do what I can, without letting my elitism get in the way.
    ShadowLugia, I probably don't, but that doesn't mean I am not content with the half that I already know!
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