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  • ShadowLugia, it's Exxus, actually (turns out DNA was taken, heh). I've gotten the hang of the controls, but it's unfortunate I must play rated matches to get more goodies; ah well.
    ShadowLugia, all right, done. (I also got my deck set up as well.) I'm going to go online to see if I can find you.
    ShadowLugia, Lol, so, you stay up late?? Lol, when you going to be on he server? I wanna battle you ;)
    ShadowLugia, Wow, that's literally the exact same thing that happened to me. After about 80 tries, we finished with .2 seconds left. We actually weren't sure whether we had lost or won. When we saw that we had made it, we both jumped up and began celebrating.
    ShadowLugia, The troll face was awesome, completely agreed. I've found about 4 terminals, and my jaw literally dropped at the epicness of them when I found the first one. Skulls are a great addition, although I kind of wish Bandanna was slightly less overpowered.

    What makes it even better is that I played the original, so playing it in new graphics years later is really cool. Good luck with that last level, me and my brother were stuck for hours on the last section.
    ShadowLugia, No problem! I can't wait to play you either. I gotta get some more progress in Halo CE Anniversary, I still haven't beaten the campaign yet. (And no, I am not beating every level on Legendary by myself lol.)
    ShadowLugia, Sure thing, I'll send you a friend request next time I'm on.
    ShadowLugia, so it's basically the Redshark of Yugioh. I'm used to manually doing my own plays, so that works just fine for me. Thanks for the explanations and videos!
    ShadowLugia, Thanks! Yeah, Monument to All Your Sins is definitely one of the hardest achievements out there.

    I don't play too much anymore (I've been playing MW3 and Skyrim :p) but if I'm ever on, I'll be happy to play. My GT is Blah237 (bet you didn't see that coming lol).
    Can you tell me how Dueling Network works? I've been to their page but they don't have a How To page or anything, and I usually like to know what I'm getting into before I register.

    So I'd like you to tell me what I need to know to get started (and what I need also).
    ShadowLugia, Now that you mention it, I am wondering about a few guys and their OU ability to battle well: Sawsbuck, and Ninetales. Also what is a good water move in sun?
    ShadowLugia, Lol, yeah, I am in a hole for getting. A D- D:. Yeah, did you here, I finally got teachers (KA, and TPO hax) I finally am learning Ubers, and more advanced OU
    ShadowLugia, Yeah, using an I Pod has an advantage when the Internet goes out, I can still read you bio :D

    So, how's life?
    ShadowLugia, Yeah, just been really busy recently, and not feeling well also. So, hows the farmer astronaut thing working?
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