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  • J
    Martini, mhm ^_^

    also you stole zero's old avatar :p
    Martini, Paint's been able to do it since I can remember -- I doubt yours too old. :p

    But yeah, I can resize a picture for you. What picture and what size?

    There's tools online to do it, too, like this one and this one.
    Martini, I mean, yeah -- it's pretty easy to do haha. Do you have Paint or GIMP?
    1.) If you had a choice, MLP FiM or all the girls in the world, what would you choose? MLP:FiM, but I wouldn't mind all the girls in the world either.
    2.) Do you follow Hollywood, or do you think they are just people with weird accents? Hollywood's overrated, so I don't follow them. And, yeah, a lot of actors do have weird accents.
    3.) If you were to fall, how far before you'd stop enjoying it? Two feet...
    4.) If 4 was 5 then what would 6 be? 7, right?
    5.) If you wrote a journal, and it got stolen, and put into a national contest, what would you do? Honestly, I can't say, since it's not like something I'd actually have published and make a serious claim of plagarism or anything like that.
    6.) Did you ever say that you liked Pokemon, when you were young? No. Pokemon actually didn't get released in the US until I was in my early teens, and I really hated it when it first came out which is why I kind of resent any talk about how great the first gen was when I really didn't think it was...
    7.) Did you ever forget the question marks? On occasion I have, but it's rare.
    8.) Would you become a teacher? I may someday, but I think there are a lot better careers to look into.
    9.) So, how's your life? Half and half right now. With lack of steady work, I seem to have taken up more pastime stuff than anything else, which isn't completely bad but at the same time doesn't get much done in real life.
    10.) In High School, did you ever like a girl? Did you talk to her often? Actually, I did. One of my ex-girlfriends and I were pretty close and talked a lot of the time, even after we broke up.

    I can't come up with any new questions yet, but feel free to ask me another set. Sorry, I got side-tracked today and wasn't able to get to anything like I planned...as usual... :/
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