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  • Martini, lol, im procrastinating on...actually nothing for once :p

    I love not having homework, but hate having midterms >:[
    I don't see why it would cause a problem anyways. It's not like you're soliciting people to drink martinis, right?
    Martini, DON'T DO THAT IT WAS A JOKE >:0

    I gotta write that story I've been thinking of writing for a while now...
    Interesting choice is what I'd think, though I noticed you had it changed anyhow. I may change mine to Zombroken sometime in the future or finally get it cut down to just Incinermyn.
    Martini, So, you're beginning to become friends with all the mods now, huh? I can tell by all of your profile views lol.

    Can you convince them to promote me to admin?

    I'm just kidding...
    Martini, There goes you name ;)

    Also, you're not allowed to change your name to something that someone else used in the past.
    MrGatr, *facepalm* nvm

    ...Interesting name change. I'm considering changing mine to Defiant or Defiant237, which is what I'm known as when Blah is taken.
    MrGatr, Not bad, not bad at all. My mouth doesn't hurt from braces anymore and I'm finally getting enough sleep.

    Also, the switch stopped happening. (Remember our conversation?)
    Thanks. We actually didn't know for sure that she was getting discharged today until like an hour before her transport back to our hometown arrived. Since then, we've been trying to get her situated in her new room.

    But, anyways, yeah, I'll have more time for proofreading tomorrow. I've also got a revision update to make on Feral Twilight.
    I'll try to tomorrow, since I'll have more time and internet access (hopefully). Sorry, man, but I haven't been online much today since my grandma got released from the hospital and sent to the local nursing home for rehab. I'm probably going to be spending a lot of time there visiting (especially the next day or so), and they have wi-fi (or at least they did the last time she was in there). Also, I'm still off work until Friday, so I'll have plenty of time between tomorrow and Thursday.

    My answers:
    1.) Three girls because I think they'd turn out to be better behaved than boys. I have younger male cousins who were sort of wild growing up, and babysitting them was sort of a nightmare (the one time I had to, anyways).
    2.) Dogs. They're easier to train than cats who will wander all over (which is why my family's cats have always been outdoor ones).
    3.) I actually may. However, I'm a little picky about the titles I read, and usually go off whether or not I've actually heard about books from other people.
    4.) Yes. It's my main outlet for most of my internet activities.
    5.) No, but I have had a few girlfriends between high school and college.
    6.) Yes, but it's hard work. If you're not into physical labor, I'd recommend finding another career or trade.
    7.) Probably. If I'm not totally focused on something, I'm bound to forget about it.
    8.) I would and one in a while do. Most times I just handle things by talking stuff out with people rather than off and automatically warning them, but sometimes I don't have a choice.
    9.) As long as the current ones I own don't die or burn out on me, or as long as I can afford newer ones, I'll likely have a computer.
    10.) I don't have home Wi-fi but I've got computers galore. Two desktops (A Gateway from 1999, and a Compaq from 2003) and two laptops (my Gateway from college that I've had since the summer of 2005 and my newer HP Compaq Presario my sister bought for me back at the beginning of 2009).

    Your questions.
    1.) How's life where you live (good, bad, mehish)?
    2.) When you get older, what career or trade do you think you'll likely try to take up?
    3.) Is school hard for you or easy?
    4.) In your honest opinion, is My Little Pony cute and fun or just another fad?
    5.) Similarly, what are your thoughts on the Pokemon series as a whole? Has it stayed good over the years, is it better than it used to be, or gradually gone downhill since the days of Red, Blue, and Yellow (or from the time you first got into the series)?
    6.) What's your favorite Pokemon?
    7.) What's your darkest or worst nightmare?
    8.) How tall are you (just curious)?
    9.) Would you consider yourself physically and psychologically strong?
    10.) How often do you find yourself embarassed over something (in real life or online)?
    MrGatr, *Lucky's ears are shattered*

    *she's lucky she doesn't have ears*
    *Lucky attacks Gatr with (BOOM!)EARTHQUAKE!(BOOM!)*
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