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  • MrGatr, Totodile evolves into a huge Feraligatr.

    *stomps on little Sandile*

    NOOOOOO- *gets stomped by huge Feraligatr*


    Oh, I'm changing the subject to a Pokemon battle. Try beat this!
    MrGatr, That color is boring. Totodile is super cute and is even cuter when it evolves into a Feraligatr. Sandile is like creepy eyes.(no offense)

    By the way, I admit that I'm wrong when I'm wrong. Just because I seem to know quite a bit does not mean that I try to pretend to know things I don't, or that I'm close to perfect. :p

    Just thought I'd let you know.
    Sometimes you need eagle-eyes for detail to determine whether something I wrote is right or wrong. If it's any consolation, you're not the first who thought something I wrote was wrong. One of my English professors back in college loved arguing with her students (including me) that they'd made mistakes when in fact they were right the entire time.
    Ancient Wisdom: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    I'm one of the most patient men my age you'll ever meet, but when you draw things out more than a few times, I start to take it offensively especially when it comes to writing. I'll admit to occasional mistakes, but I beg you never to draw on that factor again when nine times out of ten my writing skills are spot on. I'm sorry for blowing up at you, but remember that common sense dictates not to pick on someone about anything, especially when it's not face-to-face.
    MrGatr, Totodile! (I'm pretty sure you can't argue with this one... since it's one of Feraligatr's evolutions!)
    I do my best to be a good example, but I'm not always sure that people are watching...
    But I do it anyways. You never can tell...
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