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  • The code to write in plum is as follows:


    Pink's awesome, but you can also tweek the numbers to get it to appear as different hues or colors. I think it has to do with them being HTML codes or something. I just memorized the color tag for plum once when I was trying to find the right shade of pink to write in way back when I started out as a mod or so.
    That's fine by me. Though they'll have to know I'm the one with the avvies, lol.
    Exactly, or if something is done to them, there's nothing that's really supposed to happen to them.
    MrGatr, Okay, I get it.

    The controlled group is your controlled variables. Describe what the eggs look like. Include things like color, size and weight.
    The term "control group" applies to a series of test subjects that don't have anything done to them during an experiment. For instance, some people volunteer to be test subjects for new drugs before they're allowed for use as medicine. Said volunteers are broken into two groups: those who receive the actual drug that needs to be tested, and those who are told they will but actually receive a fake (normally, a placebo or "sugar pill") that does nothing to them. Ones who get the fake are part of the control group because they aren't having anything done to them, and the effect of the actual drug on those who really took it is compared with those of the control group.
    Biology was my major before I dropped out of college (for financial reasons, though, not lack of interest). My memory might be a little rusty in some other fields, but I try to keep up-to-date on most subjects. What do you need?
    MrGatr, No. Actually, it starts with a "D". You give me a nickname that says, "MrGatr Lover", and I'll give you the opposite name. I'll give you a different name now. Let's not post a nickname that says, "I love (member)", alright?

    It is...

    MrGatr, HAHAHA, I have a worse nickname for you, (poke)boy.

    It is...

    LuckyPokeGirl Lover.

    Since you're going to give me GatrGirl, I give you LPGL.
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