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  • We still need to put some of our own effort into it, hence the effort that he put into swimming back, but it's almost always not enough to get us out.
    God is the lifeguard who pulls us out when our breath and strength are spent. He's the one who pumps the water out of our lungs and sets us back on our feet.
    He's the one who gently helps us to understand what the rules are for, and how to best follow them.
    I've certainly had help from Him in my life, and for that I will be eternally grateful.
    That is so very true...
    I like it...

    It's only a matter of knowing when we need to call out to Him that is difficult.
    Just check my PM about it, if you didn't already.
    It must be THAT cold out then. We're actually in the middle of a mini-heatwave, in the sense it's been warmer than it's supposed to be this time of year and really nice out as a result. Leaves are still falling from the trees, though, and it's supposed to start cooling off a lot starting Sunday or Monday.
    You're from Utah, right? We've had snow in October before in Wisconsin. Or were you talking about something else?
    That he does, that he does. Actually, I'm somewhat of a fan of all the "swine" Pokemon (Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine, Spoink, Grumpig, Tepig, Pignite, and Emboar), but that's just me.
    Really, I'd use the term "obsession" (but lightly) to describe it myself.

    Anyways, I really came to love Grumpig more after I caught a shiny Spoink (that I nicknamed Mira) in Platinum and evolved her into a Grumpig. I got transfixed on the shiny version, but realized quickly just how awesome the Pokemon was anyways.
    Ick, I forgot to mention it earlier when we were talking about the avvies, but I like your choice of them. Grumpig's one of my favorite psychic types from the third gen.
    The only problem with this cutesy stuff (if you'll even consider it one) is that once you start looking things up, you won't stop and it essentially becomes a small obsession in time that's really hard to shirk.
    About your question: Not at all, just make sure you're offering up some good advice, though.
    Ha! They sure are!

    You may not know this, but Zy had a rep for being a "terrible influence" on others online, and this exactly why! He's got tons of these types of pics and many more like them. Likewise, he got me into collecting fan art on my own.
    You're welcome! Also, HA! Zy's getting all of us hooked on the "collared" Pokemon thing, now, isn't he?
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