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  • Nizolka33, Thanks! I like to use my own work for copyright reasons, so I made the trio myself.
    to put a picture in your signature,copy the url of the picture.
    .this can be done by
    right clicking and choosing view image of the picture you've chosen

    .secondly copy the url of the image (the search bar at the top of your browser)

    .Third,when you begin to place the image in your signature,click the insert image icon (icon with mountain).Now paste the url

    .And voila!
    Nizolka33, Right click on the picture of the sig then press view image details there should be a link then copy the link and copy this
    put the link in here.
    Nizolka33, Haha, no. I just mean maybe we'll talk more and get to know each other better over the course of time. I know some people more personally than others but I don't get to know them that way because that's the only way I like it but more our relationship as friends grow. =]

    @Your question about MKW: Yeah maybe. I can't play right now because my tv is currently kind of broken and my parents need to buy a new one but after that happens I hope to play SSBB and MKW with people on Pokebeach. =]
    Nizolka33, I normally wouldn't add someone I don't know but I usually add people who have me on their buddies list to my buddies list. =] I may not know you now but maybe we'll get to know each other sometime in the future. =D
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