G G GoobieDoob Aug 20, 2011 Your on my friend list. Do you have a deviantArt account? I you do, you should check out my fake cards. If you don't, search the second or third pages of Fake Creations and post. You don't have to but it will give you a chance to see my stuff.
Your on my friend list. Do you have a deviantArt account? I you do, you should check out my fake cards. If you don't, search the second or third pages of Fake Creations and post. You don't have to but it will give you a chance to see my stuff.
C C catutie Aug 18, 2011 Nizolka33, thanks person I don't know . *Adds to buddy list because...well...uh...
Nizolka33 Aug 12, 2011 Why are there so many Bronies here? I have nothing aganst them and I think MLP is fine, but why are they all here and not on Pokegym or 6p?
Why are there so many Bronies here? I have nothing aganst them and I think MLP is fine, but why are they all here and not on Pokegym or 6p?
Ivy Aug 7, 2011 Although it's very late, I'll still do my welcome. Welcome to Pokebeach (although I'm a tiny bit late)! I hope you find this website fun and learn things too!
Although it's very late, I'll still do my welcome. Welcome to Pokebeach (although I'm a tiny bit late)! I hope you find this website fun and learn things too!