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  • Lol, what deck do you play? I play PlasmaKlang so that deck isn't an issue. When I don't, I just make sure I can Scrapper their Float Stones and Catcher up Deoxys-EX so I force them to attach Energy to Retreat or use Skyla to Switch. So when you 2HKO it, or OHKO it, you take 10 less damage and pick up two Prize Cards. If you're not playing Scrapper, it's kind of a must. It's just too good, and helps out a ton. It's just a really solid deck overall.
    wee seem to be just missing each other... I have all my teams in PO, just so you know (and lost all info on the PS account I never used when my hard drive used head crash. PS always has seemed to hate me, too. No clue why it uses a random move every time instead of the moves I choose). I can be available in just over an hour after I eat (I'm on GMT -5, so this should fit with the time you mentioned).
    I have several things to do around the house over the next few days, but my schedule's pretty flexible. College is out for the moment, so I should be able to work out an opening when it's good for you (at my house, I never know when I'm going to be called away on no notice and it's usually at the worst times, but I can usually keep an appointment for this type thing)
    It'll be there, because it's good. Plasmabox will give it some issues because it kicks so much butt early game, which is why I like playing Emolga in RayEels. But once you get RayEels going...well. It just takes off haha. Wouldn't be a bad choice.
    Lol I can't wait until Virizion/Genesect comes sleeves are gonna make that deck look so fly.
    ): NOOOOO. Never trade off a good set of sleeves. I wish there was a good Grass-type deck in the meta, so that they'd match, but nope. /:
    Lol I've been holding onto these for years man. Have a matching deckbox to go with it. :)
    [11:02] <!DNA> so i'm hosting werewolf on another site I go to
    [11:02] <!DNA> and they're up to their 21st iteration now
    [11:02] <!DNA> so to play that up, I named it "Werewolf XXI: Drunks Only Live Once"
    He said those were some nice battles last night baby and he could use some tips from you.

    lrn 2 meatin tlk
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