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    MrGatr TPO3
    19:03 TPO3 what
    19:03 MrGatr your mile time was 5:53 right??
    19:03 TPO3 2
    19:03 TPO3 but yes

    BS. Not even I can run two miles in 5:53
    I have more homework than usual from today until Wednesday, so it may be a bit until we can schedule that thing.
    I'm fine with whatever. Best of luck with the music school position (hope I read that right). Is this "school running" you mention actual school or some running event related to school? Can't tell.
    How are things? We never rescheduled that PS! testing session (probably due to the relative VG inactivity and my personal endeavors in YuGiOh recently). I won't be available tomorrow (aka later today) due to homework, but hopefully we can do it soon.
    TPO3, That's actually exactly what happened :p The crowd's reaction was the best thing ever.
    I wanted to see the commentators reactions when I dropped Klink right before time was called, then proceeded to get N'd into Candy + PlasmaKlang :p
    TPO3, Some random friend of mine and Nigel's posted that, lol

    And I wish they would have shown my full Top 4 match (they only showed like 5 minutes of it in the Top 4 video). The ending was epic. Most of my other top cut matches were pretty boring, it was just me demolishing Darkrai after Darkrai.
    TPO3, Thanks haha, I still feel like I should have won that second game if I had not essentially wasted my last switch. Whatever, misplays happen.

    What was the other game you watched? The one against Noah?
    TPO3, Just a habit really. Think of it as my own weird thing that I do during all my games :p

    Is it really that weird? I put 3 on top, 3 on the bottom, one on the side, then alternate putting a card in the side pile each time I go around.
    TPO3, *blush* because i didn't post it in the RMT forum on purpose. in my head, The post was less "How is my team", more "I know for a fact that this team needs help"
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