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    <&TPO3> k I'm out
    <&TPO3> my roommate's sleeping
    <&TPO3> night
    * &TPO3 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Another one bites the dust...)
    <@unsheathed> read as: cuddle time
    <SL> hehe
    <SL> I'm gunna get some last minute studying done and hit the bed
    <SL> night all
    * SL ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
    <@unsheathed> im going to uh
    <@unsheathed> pbguest
    <PBGuest> byeeeeeeeeeee
    * PBGuest ([email protected]) Quit (Client exited)
    <@unsheathed> fk

    what did you do
    You said my name on chat while I wasn't paying much attention. Need me for anything, or is it too late now?
    TPO3' pid='2427655' dateline='1367638774 said:
    If Crack = World of Warcraft, and Cocaine = Temple Run
    and Crack = Cocaine

    ...does that mean World of Warcraft = Temple Run?
    Teapot being a philosoraptor, how adorable!

    Also you should totally change the quote in your sig to say Afro-G because what's a Gabriel? :>
    [2:52:15 PM] Jaroslaw: hey Isaac
    [2:52:33 PM] Jaroslaw: can you be the necrowizard now and bring Ruben back?
    [2:53:20 PM] DNA: DNA invokes eldritch powers.
    [2:54:05 PM] Jaroslaw: Oh high elder god #YOLO we beseech thy unholy runious powers to bring our friend Ruben back from the dead
    [2:54:45 PM] DNA: it's #dolo, but I'll forgive you just this once
    [2:54:52 PM] DNA: DNA exerts influence
    [2:55:07 PM] Jaroslaw: you could expand on it
    [2:55:14 PM] Jaroslaw: Dolonysius
    [2:55:23 PM] DNA: oooh...
    [2:55:50 PM] Jaroslaw: is that a good oooh?
    [2:56:01 PM] DNA: yes
    [2:56:11 PM] Jaroslaw: even better
    [2:56:24 PM] Jaroslaw: Dolonyisian mysteries
    [2:56:32 PM] Jaroslaw: nobody will know the secrets
    [2:56:36 PM] Jaroslaw: because they only live once
    [2:56:57 PM] DNA: well played
    [2:57:24 PM] Jaroslaw: drinking brings out my creativity
    [2:57:44 PM] DNA: this makes so much more sense now

    Jaroslaw is one awesome guy
    even more so because I told him today about #dolo
    spread the word
    TPO3, Most things come from conversations with friends.

    A lot of things become funny when you take two unrelated things and mash them together by comparing them.

    Websites that automatically play music are like strangers who try to talk to you on a plane.

    Just stuff like that can make a decent tweet.

    You could also quote stuff like

    "I'm not mad." -girl who's mad

    "maybe again but kind of bad?" -sequals
    indeed, I mentioned that phrase. since Jay wasn't at the party, we were gossiping about him.
    the story about him stalking Rebekah over Facebook also came up
    so yesterday I told Pride the full details about Jay's "skinny jeans photo"

    he laaaaaaaaaaaaughed
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