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  • I suffer from the same troubles, I usually watch the science channel or ID since everything else is... not good.

    Wanna play a game? : )
    ComfortEagle, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    they're finally paying attention to us

    wait, are they female? (except the Ditto obv)
    Dude... would you quit viewing my profile, and then not leaving a comment... It's like me walking into your house, eating your brownies, and drinking your OJ, and then leaving without saying hi or bye... It's inpolite.
    Yeah I think Sandslash could serve as a good tool for sand teams. Not nearly as powerful as Excadrill but it does have access to Stone Edge compared to Rock Slide for Exca
    This is the resualts of over 4 hours working with my Sand team:

    Heatran W/ Air Balloon
    Ability: Flame Body
    Nature: Quiet
    Overheat Fire Blast
    Earth Power Magma Storm

    HP: 10
    Atk: 7
    Def: 134
    SpA: 252+
    SpD: 100
    Spe: 7-

    Ferrothorn W/Leftovers
    Ability: Iron Barbs
    Nature: Sassy
    Leech Seed Power Whip
    Toxic Curse
    HP: 118
    Atk: 55
    Def: 60
    SpA: 120
    SpD: 152+
    Spe: 5-

    Tyranitar W/Focus Sash
    Ability: Sand Stream
    Nature: Brave
    Stone Edge Crunch
    Stealth Rock AncientPower
    HP: 70
    Atk: 152+
    Def: 59
    SpA: 152
    SpD: 62
    Spe: 15-

    Terrakion W/ Choice Scarf
    Ability: Justified
    Nature: Naughty
    Sacred Sword Stone Edge
    Hidden Power Electric Earthquake
    HP: 24
    Atk: 252+
    Def: 20
    SpA: 55
    SpD: 152-
    SpE: 7

    Landorus W/ Life Orb
    Ability: Sand Force
    Nature: Naughty
    Swords Dance Stone Edge
    Earthquake Hidden Power Electric
    HP: 3
    Atk: 134+
    Def: 50
    SpA: 100
    SpD: 220-
    Spe: 3
    Amoonguss W/Leftovers
    Ability: Regenerator
    Nature: Sassy
    Giga Drain Spore
    Hidden Power Ice Clear Smog
    HP: 200
    Atk: 0
    Def: 30
    SpA: 28
    SpD: 252+
    Spe: 0-

    I know I'm horrible at deciding on EVs, thats why I stopped VG for a while.
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