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  • I think it's become more of a pattern/tradition thing than anything else. XL stuff is getting old and repetitive, and they usually sell worse.

    Changing to the DS Lite was heavenly. I didn't feel like I had a five pound rock in my pocket when I used it.
    ComfortEagle, There are always those less intelligent people in the world.

    Then there are little kids who are like "mommy, mommy! I wants a new 3DS. This one has BIIIIIG screens, which will make playing my games easier. Pleeeeeease let me have it mommy! Pleeeeeeease!!! Pleeeeeeease!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!"
    Also, I have an extreme urge to watch the subbed version now. I've been watching a lot of shows with terrible subs (like VANGUARD LOL), so it would be nice to see a decent sub for once.
    That's pretty much the reason I never got "into" Naruto. Sure, I enjoyed the manga from time to time, but that's as far as it went. Even those so-called "movies" were terrible, haha. At least some of the games are decent.
    ComfortEagle, It's on a portable, so the screen is still super tiny. Wii, Xbox and PS3 still get me Netflix, but on TV size grande.

    At least you got your head on straight.
    Most of what I watched was on Toonami, so I probably didn't catch any cursing. Never heard of the F-bomb though, I giggled a bit when I first caught that on the manga site you recommended. But I'm liking it so far.
    In DNA's defense, any Pokemon with a scumbag hat on is pretty hilarious.

    And I'm almost caught up on Naruto. ;3 These manga translations are hilarious in the fact that they say F*ck and the like. Different from shonen jump, to say the least.
    troll harder; I must have it
    ComfortEagle, exactly. Forry doesn't have much for offense outside of Volt Switch, and even then it's just to annoy. Ferrothorn has base 95 and some great STAB options to go along with it (Gyro Ball, Power Whip, and Curse).

    I run a weird variant that is just designed to stall out; its only offensive move is Bulldoze.
    >I know people are like "omg you can have spikes, sr, and leeche seed on ferrothorn now", but I honestly would only run one. You shouldn't really have Ferrothorn doing too much.
    I run 2 (Rocks and Seeds). But yeah, having all 3 on one set kinda defeats the purpose. We already have Forretress for that.
    ComfortEagle, BW2 move tutors?

    okay, when I signed on this morning, I did NOT see that
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