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  • Is Metagross still a good choice for Sand? I ran that in early Gen 5 and it worked pretty well. I'm having alot of trouble deciding what Pokemon to put in my team. So far I have:

    I'm thinking of taking out Thundurus-T for Gliscor.
    Do you think Thundurus-T or Regerator Ammoungus is better as a rain counter? For Thundurus-T's move set I put:
    Focus Blast
    Hidden Power Fire

    Still working on it's EVs.
    Yes I'm on Showdown. My username there (well at least my chat name, I don't know how to create an account) is Tyranitard.

    Exactly how bad of a play is Sand? Does it lose every time or does it just have a few bad matchups that kill it? I'll try both teams a few times to see which I want.
    What's a good item for Ferrothorn? I'm thinking Leftovers? (I'm building a Sand team for OU) (please tell me if Sand is good for OU, I know next to nothing about Tiers in the VG) Thanks.
    Bugs don't really bother me unless they're game-breaking or make it impossible to continue. Thanks for the link!
    Is there any kind of tutoring program for learning competitive play in the VG section? I remember there being something like that a long time ago, but I can't find it.
    I don't think its a good answer to unban broken Pokemon because of other powerful Pokemon =p
    Thank god DSi fixed the hinges problem. Tape doesn't even keep my DS Lite together anymore lol.
    I agree.

    Fortunately, the hinges for both of my DS Lites are just non-operational. I can open and close the screen at will but it doesn't stay in place. It's still all in one piece, fortunately.
    but it still sucks to hold it up
    "So what's the deal with us, are we like dating or what are we-"
    "It's just that I'm not looking for a relationship right now..."

    oh lord my sides
    ComfortEagle, Yeah. I'd take a fair guess and say that Hydro Pump/Secret Sword/HP Ghost/Icy Wind will be standard for Specs Keldeo.
    Specs 252 SpA Timid Keldeo Icy Wind vs 0/0 Latios: 55.1% - 65.1%. Guaranteed 2HKO and Latios will be slower due to the Speed drop.
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